





FCI-Standard N° 12 / 28. 11. 2003 / GB



ORIGIN : Great Britain.




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CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :   Group 3            Terriers.
                                               Section 1          Large and medium                   sized Terriers.
                                               Working trial optional.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Active and lively, bone and strength in small compass, never cloddy nor coarse.  Neither leggy nor too short in the leg, standing like a well made, short backed hunter, covering a lot of ground.

BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT : Alert, quick of movement, keen of expression, on tiptoe of expectation.  Friendly, forthcoming and fearless.


Skull : Flat, moderately narrow.  Gradually decreasing in width to eyes.
Stop : Little apparent.

Nose : Black.
Muzzle : Jaws, upper and lower, strong and muscular, falling away only slightly below eyes.  This portion of foreface moderately chiselled out, so as not to go down in a straight line like a wedge.
Jaw/Teeth : Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Cheeks : Never full.
Eyes : Dark, small and rather deeply set, as near as possible circular in shape.  Expression bright and intelligent.
Ears : Small, V-shaped and dropping forward close to cheek, not hanging by side of head.  Fold of ear above level of skull.  Leather of moderate thickness.

NECK : Clean and muscular, without throatiness, of fair length and gradually widening to shoulders.

Back : Short, level and strong without slackness.
Loin : Powerful, very slightly arched.
Chest : Deep, not broad.
Ribs : Foreribs moderately sprung, back ribs deep.

TAIL : Customarily docked.
Docked : Set on rather high and carried gaily but not over back or curled.  Of good strength.
Undocked : Set on rather high and carried gaily but not over back.  As straight as possible.  Tail of moderate length to give balance to the dog.


FOREQUARTERS : From any angle they must be straight showing little or no appearance of an ankle in front.  They should be strong in bone throughout.
Shoulders : Long and sloping, well laid back, fine at points, cleanly cut at withers.

HINDQUARTERS : Strong and muscular, quite free from droop or crouch.
Thighs : Long and powerful.
Stifle : Good turn of stifle.
Hocks : Well let down.

FEET : Small, round and compact.  Pads hard and tough, toes moderately arched and turning neither in nor out.


GAIT / MOVEMENT : Fore- and hindlegs carried straight forward and parallel.  Elbows move perpendicular to body, working free of sides, stifles neither turning in nor out and hocks not close.  Good drive coming from well flexing hindquarters.


HAIR : Straight, flat, smooth, hard, dense and abundant.  Belly and underside of thighs not bare.

COLOUR : White should predominate, all white, white with tan, black and tan or black markings.  Brindle, red or liver markings highly undesirable.

WEIGHT : Dogs : 7,3-8,2 kg (16-18 lbs), bitches : 6,8-7,7 kg (15-17 lbs)

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

This amended breed standard will become effective from April 2004.


FCI-Standard N°169 / 28. 11. 2003 / GB


ORIGIN : Great Britain.



CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group   3       Terriers.
                                             Section 1        Large and medium-sized               Terriers.
                                             Working trial optional.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Active and lively, bone and strength in small compass, never cloddy or coarse.  Conformation to show perfect balance ; in particular this applies to the relative proportions of skull and foreface, and similarly height at withers and length of body from shoulder point to buttocks appear approximately equal.  Standing like a short-backed hunter covering a lot of ground.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Alert, quick of movement, keen of expression, on tiptoe of expectation at slightest provocation.  Friendly, forthcoming and fearless.


Skull : Topline of skull almost flat, sloping slightly  and gradually decreasing in width towards eyes.
Stop : Slight.

Nose : Black.
Muzzle : Little difference  in length between skull and foreface.  If foreface is noticeably shorter head looks weak and unfinished. 
Foreface gradually tapering from eye to muzzle and dipping slightly at its juncture with forehead but not dished or falling away quickly below eyes where it should be full and well made up.  Full and rounded contour of cheeks undesirable.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Excessive bony or muscular development of jaws undesirable and unsightly.
Eyes : Dark, full of fire and intelligence, moderately small, not prominent.  As near circular in shape as possible.  Not too far apart nor too high in skull nor too near ears.  Light eyes highly undesirable.
Ears : Small, V-shaped, of moderate thickness, flaps neatly folded over and dropping forward close the cheeks.  Top line of folded ears well above level of skull.  Prick, tulip or rose ears highly undesirable.

NECK : Clean, muscular, of fair length, free from throatiness, broadening to shoulders, presenting a graceful curve when viewed from side.

Back : Short, level and strong without slackness.
Loin : Muscular, slightly arched.  Very short coupled.
Chest : Brisket deep ; front ribs moderately arched ; rear ribs deep, well sprung.

TAIL : Customarily  docked. 
Docked : Set high. Carried erect, not over back or curled.  Of good strength and fair length.
Undocked : Set high.  Carried erect, not over back or curled. Of good strength and fair length to maintain a balanced appearance.


FOREQUARTERS : Seen from front, shoulders slope steeply down from junction with neck towards points which should be fine ; viewed from side, long and well laid back and sloping obliquely backwards.  Withers always clean cut.  Chest deep, not broad.  Viewed from any direction, legs straight, bone strong right down to feet.  Elbows perpendicular to body, working free of sides, carried straight when moving.

HINDQUARTERS : Strong, muscular and free from droop or crouch.  Combination of short second thigh and straight stifle highly undesirable.
Thighs : Long and powerful.
Stifles : Well bent, turning neither in nor out.
Hocks : Well let down.
Metatarsus : Upright and parallel when viewed from rear.

FEET : Round, compact with small, tough and well cushioned pads, toes moderately arched.  Turning neither in nor out.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : Fore- and hindlegs move straight forward and parallel.  Elbows move perpendicular to body, working free of sides.  Stifles turning neither in nor out.  Good drive coming from well flexing hindquarters.


HAIR : Dense, very wiry texture, 2 cm (3/4 in) on shoulder to 4 cm     ( 1  ½ ins) on withers, back, ribs and quarters with undercoat of short, softer hair.  Back and quarters harsher than sides.  Hair on jaws crisp and of sufficient length to impart appearance of strength to foreface.  Leg hair dense and crisp.

COLOUR : White predominates with black, black and tan or tan markings.  Brindle, red, liver or slate-blue markings undesirable.

Height at the withers not exceeding 39 cm ( 15 ½ ins ) in dogs, bitches slightly less. 
Ideal weight in show condition 8,25 kg (18 lbs) for dogs, bitches slightly less.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

 This amended breed standard will become effective from April 2004.


Automatic translate from


Probably known since the times of Plinio the Old one; in 1570, a university professor of Cambridge, dottor Caius, described this race for first. Subsequently the breeders intercrossed it with the German Dachshund and the English Segugio; then with the Foxhound and the Beagle. The first copy of the Fox Terrier to smooth hair of 1876.
The Terrier came used in the 18 century for the hunting the vixen and its task was that one of stanare the vixen. To the day doggi the Terrier a good dog from company. The Fox Terrier like gi said a good dog from hunting, moreover has one good physical resistance, a good dog from guard and thanks to its agilit in a position to making of "giochini" indeed the pretty ones and engaged to you if trained to duty.


The terrier to hard hair it has a Mantle with black spots or browns. It has a flat, streamlined and long skull. Its orecchie are folded and have shape of one V. Its tail normally comes cut to of its length. This race has many "crews of attack" to disposition: a strong jaw, of the teeth very develops to you, the physical force and above all the courage.
And a dog very proporzionato and physically elegant: moreover force concentrating.
Its eyes are dark, small and extremely it lives to us. And the often muscoloso neck.


The Fox Terrier an audacious and vital dog. They are giocherelloni by nature especially with the children: to times for immedesimano too much in the game and they are stretched to bite. They become attached their family and they are shown very gelosi and possessivi. They are dogs allegros, brave and impulsive. They possess unadorabile vitalit and thanks to theirs enunciated curiosit and vivacit, learn many simpati easy to us trucchetti and play. Several history tell of the devozione and the lealt of these dogs: in fact they love to completely feel part of the family. If verr not trained to the verr must and not given the possibilit to unload a po of its vitalit being made it to run allaperto or carrying it to at least walk two times to the day, diventer, if held in house, hyperactive. The Fox Terrier one of the breeds devout aggressive and has one detached tendency to fight with other dogs and the cohabitation with other domestic animals rather difficult. The Fox Terrier if avr loccasione potr to hunt some until killing of the small animals like as an example of the small flown them. Not rare that the Fox Terrier bites, even taken from advisable a particularly entusiasmante game for they and therefore to follow them while they play especially with the children. Viceversa, avr problems not to divide the same spaces with other animals on condition that it comes since socialized with the first months of life.


And a lot important to hold just the Fox Terrier to leash or in unarea sluice in how much much assets and onlooker to explore the surrounding territory. The Fox Terrier an optimal dog from guard even if with its to bark insistent and rather acute pu to give of the problems with the house neighbors. They can be of the too much active dogs for of the old masters. They need since small a good training for having a good control on they in adult ET.


In this race it is suspected that lepilessia genetic member has one. In the exemplary white men pu to find one sordit congenital. In rare cases they can be found detachment of the hairnet, cataract, dysplasia.


The Fox Terrier star well also in apartment on condition that sufficient opened allaria exercise is guaranteed, letting out it at least a pair of times to the day in order at least thirty minuteren to time.


If our dog avr the possibilit of having to its disposition a garden, this the sar sufficient in order to complete an adequate physical exercise, digging holes and running after whichever thing in motion. But if sar forced living in apartment dovr to make sure of the long and regular walks or race to the park. If possible, the Fox Terrier would love to run free in one sure and protect zone.

Listinto to the hunting in these dogs a lot emphasized and adores to chase any "preda".


Approximately 15 devout years or.



If your animal a Terrier to hard hair it you can brush with one brush of setole hard and fargli the bagnetto when only necessary. For having a dog from the perfect cape sar necessary to rerun devout times allanno to the cures of specialistic toelettature that will carry out the stripping above all if our dog must participate to some exposure. The Terrier to short hair only needs of or a two brushed to week for being in order. Both losing hair little are advise you to who suffer to read allergies.


Standard of the Fox Terrier to smooth hair

Country of belongings : England
Meaningful dates : 1876 Constitution of the Fox Terrier Club of England

General aspect : lively, strong assets and and very constructed in a contained volume. De ve never not to seem massive or ordinary. Not too much high or too much low on the limbs, dovr to place itself like a correct horse from hunting, short in the back, but in a position to covering much land.

Characteristics : to the erta, express in the movements, with penetrating expression; incessantly careful.

Temperament : cordial, gaio, without fear.

Head and skull : flat skull, moderately tightened that it is lost weight gradually until the eyes. Present, but not emphasized Stop, never full cheeks, strong and muscolose jaw and jaw, leggermente grooved under the eyes. This part of the snout moderately casellata in order to avoid that the contour assumes the wedge shape. Black Tartufo.

Eyes : of dark color, small, rather infossati, devout possible d the round shape. Intelligent expression vivida and.

Orecchie : small to shape of V, falling back in ahead, supporters with cheeks, not pendule to sides of the head. The advanced margin of the ear above the level of the skull; medium skin thickness.

Mouth : strong teeth with perfect, a regular one and complete closing to scissor, it is worth to say with the advanced teeth supports you to those inferiors and perpendicular to the jaws well.

Neck : muscoloso, dry ground, lacking in giogaia, of good length, must be increased progressively towards the shoulders.

Front : long and tilted shoulders, carefullied lay down well to GO BACK TO LIST. The tip of the shoulder must fine be traced, while on the garrese it must very be defined. The limbs, if it observes to you from whichever position, must be straight with the metacarpo hardly perceivable, quite better if it is not perceived. Good skeleton.

Log : deep and not wide thorax. Short, straight, strong back and without yieldings. Powerful kidney, as soon as rounded off. The cost one front moderately we try while posteriorly deep.

Posterior : and muscoloso, strongly tonic and never weak person. Long and powerful thighs. Garretti close to earth. Ginocchio very flesso.

feet : small, round, compact, not revolts in outside n in within with strong and solid plantari bearings, moderately arch fingers.

Tail : of amputated norm. Inserted enough up and capacity gladly not for on the rolled up back n. Of good consistency.

Sailing point and movement : the limbs, are front that posterior, they are straight and parallels between they. The elbows act perpendicular to the body, muovendosi liberations long the flanks. The ginocchi they do not have to be revolts n to the inside n to the outside and the garretti they do not have too much to be draws near to you.

Cape : straight, adherent, smooth, hard, dense hair and abundant. Ventre and the inner part of thighs does not have to be lacking in hair.

Color : the white man would have to prevail, but pu to be completely white man or white man with black spots browns or. The tigrato one, the red spots or liver are much undesirable.

Ransom : weight in the males from 7,300 to 8,200 Kg. (16-18 lbs.), in the females from 6,900 to 7,800 Kg. (15-17 lbs.).

DEFECTS : all us that discosta from the sopraelencati points it is gone considered a defect whose directly proporzionata importance to its gravit.

Notes : the males must have two apparently normal testicoli, completely reductions in the scroto.

Standard of the Fox Terrier to rough hair

Country of belongings : England
Meaningful dates : 1873 Acknowledgment from part of the Kennel Club

General aspect : lively, strong assets and and very constructedin a contained volume. It does not have to never seem massive or ordinary. The construction must evidence a perfect equilibrium, in particular for how much it concerns the relationships between skull and snout, Height and length of the body from the tip of the shoulder to the buttock. Such measures must be pressoch equal. The dog dovr to place itself like a horse from hunting from the short back, in a position to covering much land.

Characteristics : to the erta, express in the movements, with a penetrating, always ready expression to react to devout the small provocazione.

Temperament : cordial, gaio, without fear.

Head and skull : the advanced line of the nearly flat skull; it degrades leggermente and gradually it is shrunk towards the eyes. You small difference of length between skull and snout must be one. If the too much short snout the head appears weak person and not very defined. The snout must be lost weight from the eyes towards the tartufo and progressively be lowered leggermente to leave from its conjunction with the forehead, without in order sinking or grooving themselves abruptly under the eyes where it must full and be very made. An excessive skeleton or muscular development of the jaws goes avoided cos like disagreeable the aspect of cheeks full and rotondeggiante. Black Tartufo.

Eyes : of dark color, full loads of fire, and intelligence, not prominenti. Of possible shape devout the round one. They do not have to be n too much distant between they, n it too much places you up on the skull or too much near the orecchie. The eye clearly much criticabile.

Orecchie : small, to shape of V, medium thickness with the stratums clearly folded and falling back in ahead, supporters with cheeks. The advanced margin of the ear well to of over of the line of the skull. The orecchie erected, rolled up or to rose are much undesirable.

Mouth : strong teeth with perfect, a regular one and complete closing to scissor, it is worth to say with the advanced teeth supports you to those advanced and perpendicular ones to the jaws well.

Neck : dry ground, muscoloso, of good length, lacking in giogaia. One must be increased towards the gradevole shoulders forming curve if observed of profile.

Front : sights from the shoulders must be tilted decidedly to leave from the conjunction with the neck towards their tip that must very be rifinita. Observed laterally must be long, very placed to GO BACK TO LIST and tilted oblique towards the garrese that must be always very pronounced. Deep, not wide thorax. The front limbs, seen from whichever part, must strongly be straight with skeleton until the feet. The elbows, perpendicular to the body, act liberations long the flanks and in motion straight capacities go.

Log : short, straight back without weakness. The muscoloso kidney and leggermente rounded off. The sterno deep, posterior the moderately arched front ribs and deep and very the reductions. Kidney much short.

Posterior : and strongly muscoloso, without yieldings or weaknesses. Long and powerful thighs. Ginocchi very flessi, not revolts in within or in outside. Garretti you mail close to earth, to metatarsi straight, parallels if it observes to you posteriorly. One leg with one short tibia and ginocchio a not flesso much undesirable one.

feet : round, compact, not revolts in outside n in within, with small hard and solid plantari bearings and with moderately arch fingers.

Tail : of amputated norm. Inserted high, capacity erected not for on the rolled up back n. Sturdy and of good length.

Sailing point and movement : in motion the front and posterior limbs are capacities ahead parallels between straight they and. The elbows move perpendicular to the body and act liberations long the flanks. The ginocchi they are not revolts n in within n in outside. Good step determined from the posterior one very flesso.

Cape : dense, of webbing much rough one, varies from 1,8 cm. (3/4 inc.) on the shoulders to 3,7 cm. (1 1/2 inc.) on the garrese, on the back, the cost one and devout thighs with a sottopelo and short soft. The devout back and the posterior one have a rough hair of the flanks. On the jaws the hair must be crespo and of sufficient length for giving a force appearance to the snout. The hair on the limbs dense and crespo.

Color : the white man predominates with focate or black spots. The tigrato one, red, liver or blueta blackboard are undesirable colors.

Ransom : in the males the Height does not exceed i 39 cm. (15 1/2 inc.), the females are po' devout lowlands. In conditions from exposure the 8,25 males do not have to weigh devout of Kg. (1 8 lbs.) and the females a po' less.

DEFECTS : all us that discosta from the sopraelencati points it is gone considered a defect whose directly proporzionata importance to its gravit.

Notes . : i maschi devono avere due testicoli, apparentemente normali, completamente discesi nello scroto.