


FCI-Standard N° 2 / 07. 09. 1998 / GB


ORIGIN : Great Britain.


UTILIZATION : Pointing dog.


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CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :Group     7   Pointing Dogs.
                                             Section 2.2   British and Irish Pointers and Setters, Setter.
                                             With working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE :  Of medium height, clean in outline, elegant in appearance and movement.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Very active with a keen game sense.  Intensely friendly and good natured.

HEAD : Carried high; long and reasonably lean.

Skull : Oval from ear to ear, showing plenty of brain room; occipital protuberance well-defined.
Stop : Well defined.

Nose : Colour of nose black or liver, according to colour of coat.  Nostrils wide.
Muzzle : Moderately deep and fairly square, from stop to point of nose should be equal to length of skull from occiput to eyes.
Lips : Not too pendulous.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong and of nearly equal length, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.  Full dentition desirable.
Eyes : Bright, mild and expressive.  Colour ranging between hazel and dark brown, the darker the better.  In liver beltons only, a lighter eye acceptable.  Eyes oval and not protruding.
Ears : Moderate length, set on low, and hanging in neat folds close to cheek, tip velvety, upper part clothed in fine silky hair.

NECK : Rather long, muscular and lean, slightly arched at crest, and clean cut where it joins head, towards shoulder larger and very muscular, never throaty nor pendulous below throat, but elegant in appearance.

BODY : Moderate length.
Back : Short and level.
Loin : Wide, slightly arched, strong and muscular.
Chest : Deep in brisket, very good depth and width between shoulder blades.  Ribs good round, widely sprung and deep in back ribs, i.e. well ribbed up.

TAIL :  Set almost in line with back, medium length, not reaching below hock, neither curly nor ropy, slightly curved or scimitar-shaped but with no tendency to turn upwards : flag or feathers hanging in long pendant flakes.  Feather commencing slightly below the root, and increasing in length towards middle, then gradually tapering towards end; hair long, bright, soft and silky, wavy but not curly.  Lively and slashing in movement and carried in a plane not higher than level of back.


Shoulders : Well set back or oblique.
Elbows : Well let down close to body.
Forearms : Straight and very muscular with rounded bone.
Pastern : Short, strong, round and straight.

HINDQUARTERS : Legs well muscled including second thigh.  Long from hip to hock.
Thighs : Long.
Stifles : Well bent.
Hock : Inclining neither in nor out and well let down.

FEET : Well padded, tight, with close well arched toes protected by hair between them.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : Free and graceful action, suggesting speed and endurance.  Free movement of the hock showing powerful drive from hindquarters.  Viewed from rear, hip, stifle and hock joints in line.  Head naturally high.


HAIR : From back of head in line with ears slightly wavy, not curly, long and silky, as is coat generally, breeches and forelegs nearly down to feet well feathered.

COLOUR : Black and white (blue belton), orange and white (orange belton), lemon and white (lemon belton), liver and white (liver belton) or tricolour, that is blue belton and tan or liver belton and tan, those without heavy patches of colour on body but flecked (belton) all over preferred.

SIZE   :
Dogs : 65-68 cm (25,5-27 ins).  Bitches : 61-65 cm (24-25,5 ins).

NOTE OF THE STANDARD COMMITTEE : « Belton » is the customary term used for the description of the distinctive coat-ticking of the English Setter.  Belton is a village in Northumberland.  This expression has been created and spread out by the book about the English Setter written by Mr. Edward Lavarack, breeder who has had a preponderating influence upon the actual appearance of the breed.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

automatic translate from

In a generalized manner

Of braccoide type and medium ransom, elegant of aspect and movements, thanks also to the hair leggermente waved that form graceful frange on the front limbs, a great athlete who does not scare itself of forehead
to the long distances or uneven lands. Always active and vigorous, sport life has need of one. It has sensitive temperament mansueto and; extremely devout person to the master.


the long and dry head, with stop very pronounced; the skull oval between the ears, and with swell occipita them and
very marked. The rather squared snout. The eyes, shining and sweet, go from the nocciola to the dark brown. the orecchie, of medium length, are inserted low and hang against cheeks. The limbs are solid and equip you of good musculature. The short and horizontal back, the wide kidney, leggermente inarcato, and strongly muscoloso.

Ransom: 56-62 cm to the garrese the male; 54-60 the female.
It falls: of medium length, leggermente incurvata or to scimitarra, with long frange in the inferior part.

Colors: black and white man, orange and white man, lemon and white man, brown and tricolour white man or.

To avoid  
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Characters generate them :
The general conformation that one of a light mesomorfo whose log is in the rectangle and therefore with the front limb, from earth to the elbow, devout short of the height from the elbow to the garrese.
Beautiful setter the English one puts into effect them must be a dog that joins the power;
without gravity , to the elegance of the shapes; its aspect must denote the attitude to the job; great facilit of long movements, muscles, good skeleton, but, diamtri not too much strongly cross-sectional not too much pronounces to you. Raccomander not to discard those never enough setters English mastodontici, with abundant skin, linfati to us, with large head, than beyond being outside type, will be little resistant discs of a valve and.

head :
Dolicocefala: its total length of 4/10 of the Height.
The length of the equal skull to the length of the snout and lamet of the length of the snout and met of the total length of the head are found on the horizontal line that combines the two inner angles of the eyes.
The cefalico index total
it does not have to exceed the n.45 , cio the bizigomatica width of the skull must be inferior to met of the total length of the head.
The directions of the advanced longitudinal aces of the skull and the snout are between of they parallels.
Long, dry, light without esagerazione, the jump marked nose-facade, the labbra decidedly designed in their front part must finish to the jaws, not flabby and pendants.

Tartufo :
Tartufo sar large, wide, humid, fresh and the diamond, black or dark brown: the pigment brown is found in kind in the white man-orange and the liver.
tolerated the pigment color carnicino. it must be on the same line of the nasal cane and profile sight, its front face is found on same vertical the slowly front one of the labbra. Narici open and furnitures and the thin nasal wings.

Nasal cane :
Straight, long, wide; measured to met of its length, its width 40% of the length of the same nasal cane. For its length and direction in relationship with the axis of the skull you see the description of the head.

Labbra and snout :
The labbra they must be only developed to cover to sides the jaw, therefore labbra much soft, not flabby and hanging, the anteroinferiore-lateral profile of the snout little introduces the design of a semicircle to rope sluice, perci in setter English the ineriore profile of the snout still given from the labbra. The length of the snout corresponds to the length of the nasal cane and its lateral faces are between of they parallels; the front face introduces flat and cio quadrant. The length of the snout must catch up met of the total length of the head. The direction of the advanced longitudinal aces of the skull and the snout is between of they parallels. The region sottorbita them must introduce of the salienze and reliefs, the subcutaneous cellular woven one and muscles little develop to you, the thin skin: it must cio be very cesellata.

Jaws :
Of equal length, with labbra of the jaw tending to the straight line in all the its length with dental combaciandosi perfectly (to scissor arched). Complete healthy teeth for developments and number.

Depression frontal nose :
Emphasized but not abrupt.

Skull :
The length of the equal skull to the length of the snout. The cefaletico index total does not have to exceed number 45, cio the bizigomatica length of the skull must be inferior to met of the total length of the head. The cap of the skull, sight of profile, dve to be leggermente convex, the posterior part must be oval, sensitive the crest occipita them. The skull less wide frale orecchie. The sidewalls are ovunque flat.
The frontal breasts a lot develops to you. Sutura metopica marked.

Orecchie :
The orecchie must low be attacked and cio to level of the zigomatica or better arched one under and GO BACK TO LIST, cio between the junction of the head and the neck. Of moderated length, they do not have to never catch up the 2/3 of the total length of the head.
In normal station and with the head in horizontal position the tip passes of approximately three centimeters the inferior line of the throat. They must hang without to bear away cheeks and not to put in extension theirs makes inner. They do not have to be wide cio do not have to be explained in all their width. The ear of the setter English forms a fold on if same, in longitudinal sense (cio, second the lungezza of the ear) and this allowed fold exactly from the thin and soft skin and the thin and fine cartilage. The frange fine and setacee that they cover the external face of the pavilion, they must diminish in length in the inferior part so that the estremit of the pavilion, that it comprises the space of two or three centimeters to the maximum, it must be covered of shaved and vellutato hair.
The apex of the pavilion must finish in one heads leggermente rounded off.

Eyes :
They must be large, shining, sweet, expressed to you, denoting intelligence; in position semilateral, of color nocciola dark devout the possible one; however the color pu to be a p less dark in setters the white men, white man-orange. The sopracigliare arched one must clearly be separated from the forehead. The eyelids do not have to leave to notice the congiuntiva, very adherent being cio to the eyeball and the pigmentazione of their margin or black brown or.

The equal neck to the length of the head:it must catch up the 4/10 of the Height. Its circumference, to met of its length, in one setter of cm. 60 to the garrese, must be of cm. 40. It must be very muscoloso, quantunque lean, leggermente arch in its advanced median part; its conjunction with the clearly marked head, so as to to leave the posterior part of the skull very free.
The neck must grow tall with harmony and muscles to increase of importance in the junction point with the shoulder, but without gravity and always conserving elegance. It must always be free from giogaia and the frange, forming a light collar to the inferior margin, they must enunciate clearly.

Body :
The length of the log measured from the tip of the shoulder (bachelor articulation humeral) to the tip of the buttock (posterior tip of the ischio) must advanced the Height. The greater length of the log does not have advanced to 1/20 of the Height or the maximum a 1/18. The log of the setter must remain in a rectangle.


Chest :
Very open and wide with muscles chest straps very it develops to you. Its width in direct proportion of that one of the cost one, and must be of 25% of the Height, measured between the supeo-front margins of the arms. The situated handle-bar of the sterno to the level of the tip of the shoulders.


Thorax :
It must come down until to the elbow and best ifit surpasses it of approximately two centimeters. Deep with long coasts and very convex and it arches to it costs opened them. The last false coasts very approached the front margin of thighs. Very convex to the met of their height.
Its cross-sectional diameter, than devout developed to met of the height of the cost one, goes gradatamente diminishing towards the sterno, without to form for careens.
Long the sternale region, must rimontare sweetly towards the abdomen.
The circumference of the cost one must be 1/4 advanced of the Height and its cross-sectional diameter of 39% of the same height.
In a setter English of cm.60 to the garrese the cost one it would have to supply the following measures: perimeter measured GO BACK TO LIST the elbow cm.74; to it arches costs them cm.64, profondit cm.33 height cm.31,5, cross-sectional diameter cm. 19.


Back :
Garrese elevated on the dorsal and tightened line for ravvicinamento of the tip of the bachelor between of they. The profile of the straight back. The length of the back must be in connection with profondit of the thorax (the length): to every vertebra dorsal rib corresponds one.


Lombo and kidney :

Very supplied of muscles in width. Very fused with the line of the seen back and very arch of profile. Its width and length a p less fifth of the Height are approached the length.


Ventre and flanks :
The ventre it must rimontare leggermente, but not too much: it does not have to be levrett . . The flanks are long as the lombi and little it grooves to you.


Rump :
Wide, muscolosa, horizontal (with inclination of approximately 10 on the horizontal). Its length of approximately 1/3 of the Height and the width of 1/7 of the Height.


Tail :
inserted high, large and sturdy to the root, it goes diminishing of grossezza until the tip. Its length must exceed of approximately three centimeters the height of the front limb to the elbow. rather low capacity that high, without lateral shunting line, leggermente incurvata to shape of turned upside down scythe.
The frange
they do not have to begin from the root of the tail , but only two or three centimeters from the junction and increase gradatamente of length until the met of its length in order diminishing gradually until the tip of the tail, so as to to assume the shape of a triangle isoscele. The silks must fall in frange straight or leggermente undulated, not folte, never increspate and goffered.


Sexual organs
The two testicoli must be of correct and equal development, contained in their natural center: in the scroto.


Front limbs

Appiombi normal seen of profile :
1) the vertical one, lowered from the bachelor-humeral articulation (tip of the shoulder or the arm) must fall touching the tip of the fingers.

2) the vertical one lowered the omero-radial articulation must divide in two nearly equal parts (greater the that front one), the forearm, the carpo, exiting outside posteriorly to level of the met of the length of the metacarpo.

Appiombi normal seen of forehead :
The vertical one lowered the bachelor-humeral articulation must divide in two nearly equal parts the forearm, the carpo, metacarpo and the foot.
The length of the front limb from earth to the inferior elbow to the length measured from the elbow to the garrese . . This length reduced of the limb measured from earth to the given elbow from brevit of the forearm that in the devout others setter along of the arm .
This peculiarit of the setter English has given origin to the happy expression: "setter anglais east prs de the lands" and this conformation exactly that one that favors the "gattonamento".


Shoulder :
Long 1/4 (if devout better long) of the Height, tilted of 45- 55 on the horizontal, with muscles a lot develops to you and free in the movements.
The tips of the bachelor, in the dog in normal station and back erected must be a lot drawn near between of they (not devout distant of a centimeter and means).


Arm :
As the supplied muscle shoulder a lot develops to you and strongly skeleton. Inclination of approximately on the 65 has one horizontal and the length ( advanced to that one of the forearm ) approximately 33% of the Height. Its direction nearly parallel to the median plan of the body.


Forearm :
Strongly skeleton, introduces one vertical line; its section oval, to difference of the others setters its inferior length to that one of the arm. In a setter English of cm. 60 to the garrese, the height of the limb to the elbow of cm.28,50 . . With an inferior height to this measure a too much short limb would be had and the dog would be esageratamente prs de lands to damage of the aesthetic one, of the sailing point and the velocit.
The elbows must be found in a flat parallel to the median plan of the body: not too much locked to the wall of cost (sayings elbows sluices), n it turns aside you to the infuori (open elbows).
The tip of the elbow must somewhat find ahead to the perpendicular descent from the tail angle (posterior tip) of the bachelor.


Carpo :
On the seen vertical line of forehead; profile approval must be spread so that the vertical one lowered from the radial omero articulation must divide in two equal parts the forearm and the carpo and exit outside to met of the length of the metacarpo. Its length a p advanced of 1/6 of the height of all the limb to the elbow.


. Piede :
Of shape oval (foot of lepre) with very near between they and arch, covered fingers of hair enough along also between the fingers. Hard and nails ricurve and pigmented sole.


Posterior limbs

Appiombi normal seen of profile :
The vertical one lowered from the tip of the buttock must always touch the tip of the fingers, having the metatarso to be in vertical position.

Appiombi normal seen posteriorly :
The vertical one lowered from the tip of the buttock must divide in two equal parts the tip of the garretto, metatarso and foot.


Thigh :
Wide, long, and muscolosa with convex posterior margin, its direction oblqua from the high to the bottom and GO BACK TO LIST in ahead (75%) and, regarding the vertical one, parallel to the median plan of the body. Its length does not have to be inferior to the third party of the Height and the external face must catch up the 3/4 of its length.


Leg :
With strong skeleton, very supplied of muscles, with very marked gambale rabbet. Its little inferior length to that one of the thigh and its inclination of approximately 38 on the horizontal.


Garretto :
Its faces must be the much wide and its front angle, date the emphasized inclination of the tibia, closed. The distance from the tip of the garretto to earth must be of approximately 27% of the Height.
The posterior line that they give the tip of the garretto comes down to earth must be found on the vertical one lowered from the tip of the ischio.


Metatarso :
The metatarso its length of approximately must be always found in vertical position and, in one setter of cm. 60 to the garrese, cm. 16,50. Sturdy, dry, lacking in spurs; profile approval must be found GO BACK TO LIST of the vertical one lowered from the tip of the buttock, a p devout of the measure of the foot.

. Piede :
With all requirement of front and p a little oval.

Hair :
Aim, ironed, maintains in all its length, than of approximately cm. 5-6, one straight line, without some shunting line from its axis. of setacea nature.
shaved on the head, ad.eccezione.della make external of the pavilion of the orecchie (advanced part), front margin and on the lateral faces of the forearm, the footstep, and the metatarso. Shape frange not folte to the inferior margin of the neck, to the sternale region, the posterior margin of the limbs, to buttocks and the tail.
The feet very are guarniti of hair especially between the fingers.
Abundant Sottopelo only in the winter season.


Color of the mantle :
The color of the English cape of the setter variable: binaco and black tending to the blue (blue-bleton); white man-orange (orange-belton); white man and brown (liver-belton);
tricolour (white man to black spots and focature); these colors are from preferring themselves.
The capes entire focati white men, liver, orange, black nerei and are not search to you.
The moschettature can be devout or less numerous and the devout or less large spots.


Skin :
Thin, with limited connecting subcutaneous and perci very adherent to the body, in every region, it does not have to form giogaia to the neck and the head does not have to introduce wrinkles absolutely. The black mucosae and sclerose or brown and cos also the nails and the sole of the plantari bearings, and digita them.


Height :
In i males from cm. 56 to cm. 62; in the females from cm. 54 to cm. 60.


Weight :
From Kg. 20 to 30.


sailing point :
In hunting to great gallop.

The ideal height of thesetter English does not have to exceed the cm. 60.