




one common disease to the man and much species animals. In the dog we find again two types of leptospira: the canicola and the itteroemorragica. The common source devout of contagio represented from rats and rapes that pollute with their urines the TINNING waters in which the dogs they go to drink or the atmosphere.   I symptoms clinicians are multiple: devout the common ones are asthenia with extreme weakness of the posterior train, detached renal interest, gastritis with vomito, emorragica diarrhoea talora, dolorabilit to dorsolombare diffuse and icterus in the course of the itteroemorragica shape. After a phase it begins them with temperature much elevating pu to appear hypothermia quite. The mortalit low in the shapes of leptospirosi canicola, while much elevating in the itteroemorragica shape. One you outlined indirect is put into effect preventing to the dogs from hunting of drink in puddles and carrying out an taken care of derattizzazione of the zone in which the animal lives. The vaccinazione, repeated to 6-8 intervals months, offers the best guarantees than prevention, especially in zones where the frequent disease. The effective antibiotic therapy if the disease picked in the phase begins them; much devout rare they are the guarigioni in the advanced shapes gi.


Fortunately little diffused, this disease demands careful transmissible consideration perch to the man. Of they are victims dogs in bad conditions of nutrition. Responsibles of the contagio are other animals, also of species various, and talora the man. Localization devout diffused that pulmonary one. Characteristic the devout symptoms are cough, fever, difficult breath, loss of weight.
For a precise diagnosis one reruns to specific assessments of laboratory (radiological examinations ecc.).La pericolosit of this disease of it advices against the cure: the law imposes I' just discouragement of the animal.


a disease that we could define ages them in how much appears for the devout ones in the primaverili-summery months when the zecche appear that of they are the vehicle.