



INTRODUCTION: "the love of But for Mannera "

The sun burns, high in the sky and its eternal one I reverberate seems not to never end. The silent, lazy campaign, nearly burnt from the insopportabile heat. Tuttattorno is looked at immense extended of brown and yellow. If it were not for the ignited green of the fichi dIndia and that devout silver one of the ulivi, if it were not for the ignited blue of the thistles and for the yellow of the ginestre all it would seem barren and dry. Laria, rich of Mediterranean aromas, nearly seems suspended, immovable. A twig does not move, not a bird trilla. A some flock and cicale is heard far away only scampanellio of that they do not have null to make and friniscono all the day. Then, from the courtyard of the small farm along I bark, nearly a howl, arouses our senses. A large dog comes towards of we. A strange dog. It seems nearly a powerful bear, glue its large head, legs and that strange color, fact of all the tonalit of brown that locchio human pu to notice. A brown that remembers the earth of the Sicily, barren and polverosa, but also brulla and fertile. Even with this insopportabile warmth, when the asses leave to ciondolare the head for the sleep and the hens withdraw themselves allombra of the sink, c someone that not never tired to complete its must. Not, not linizio of a story of Verga. And only a short picture of my dog, the Dog of Mannera, and my earth, the Sicily. Earth from the many faces: Mafia Sicily, Sicily from the beautiful ones spiagge, Sicily of the Maximum theatre, Sicily of the mercatini rionali, agreste Sicily. How many times I have seen the ace of the forestieri to illuminate itself of forehead to those enormous citrus groves, that they fill up laria of flagranze and the sight of colors, how many times I have seen them to ammutolirsi of forehead to the enormous ones to sughere, cos old and majestic to seem the guardiani of the forest. And impossible not to remain affected from much beauty. And to see those shepherds, wrapped in the gil of velvet and with the coppola in head, silent and dark in face, it seems that they always think. It seems to return to a century makes. But the time passes, the things change and people adapted. The life improves. Sure, walking for the Madonie and the Nebrodi always the enormous ones are met prati stud to you from the cattle that grazes. If fortune is had pu also to meet a herd of asses, some Dog of Mannera that blocks the road to you, a mule loaded with hay or to feel leco of the shepherds to call itself from hill to hill, without not to look at itself. And cos that the news travels, other that fax! But these are only ritagli of a time that was. Hour the shepherds go in campaign in vespa, with jeep or on some the five hundred scassata that he limps on for the stony narrow lanes. By now all prefer a comfortable place in office, even to the Town hall of the country or in citt devout the neighbor. And in campaign they do not remain that one manciata of volenterosi young manen and much old people, memori pillars of wisdom of a time by now passed. As it had to be beautiful, a century makes, to pass with the mule on for the polverosa tbreedsra and feeling to risuonare wherever labbaio urgent of the Mannera, GO BACK TO LIST cancels of the propriet or on for the pastures, GO BACK TO LIST sheep and goats. Here or you know buscarti the bread or not six worthy one of consideration. Beh, the Mannera its devout bread if l buscato that well. Stubborn and brave, it could be seen ovunque was job for he. GO BACK TO LIST the cattle crudes oil, for proteggerle. In the aie and the courtyards of the small farms like dog from guard. In I placed to you, in the scuderie, GO BACK TO LIST the caravans of mules, rare times also in country. A little accustomed dog to the coccole and comodit of one the easy life. It had sopportare cold and wild snow, warmth and siccit, animals us, malintenzionati men. Insomma, did not lead sure an easy life but of sure it exited some to high head. And the shepherds could not are of other that fairs of this dog, that it seemed been born from the null one, put molding on from the same earth. But its star, unavoidablly, was destined to tramontare. At first people begin to take care themselves less and less of the campaigns. But the Dogs of Mannera still sopravissero for a beautiful piece. Arriv the television and with the television arrived Rin-Tin-Tin, Lassie, Rex, insomma those s that they were dogs to raise! From the beautiful shapes, the multiple performances. And cos the first exemplary of breeds new arrived, above all German Shepherds and Siberian husky. And via glue selection of breeds new, with the mestizations, insomma very soon lantica race of the Mannera fell in the dimenticatoio. At first I did not know the Dogs of Mannera. I had felt some to speak very vaguely and by now he gave himself for extinguished. I knew lesistenza in the dialectal dictionary sicialian laffermazione CaniMannera that it dictates to a man means dargli of the rowdy one, of the confusionario or however not sure a beautiful one I compliment. I had seen of the old photos with these dogs and of I was remained fascinated. Then one small ignited spark a dim light in my mind. In an adjacent campaign to ours two enormous males of Dog of Mannera lived, beautifulst. They were such and which to the exemplary seen in the photos. From l great surprise happened one. From our bitches (Lella and Martorina were little died) and to my grandfather they gave two puppys. Incredible to dirsi, they were two Mannera. One (Rocco) and to my uncle. Divenne a giant, but then scomparve without to leave trace. Laltra (Diana affectionately dictates to Vacca Pig) rest with we and divenne the flower allocchiello of the small farm. It was wonderful, high and fair, muscolosa, with its testone and the hair of that strange brown cos. Dinverno then became beautifulst, the hair grew tall forming one criniera on the neck and seemed one creature leonina. It made ten puppys but of it we held only one. If Diana were beautiful, cuccioletto (Bizzarro III) was arrogant. A true Dog of Mannera. He was white man like the snow, but it had pezzature browns on the tail, the flanks and the nearly completely tawny head. Its character then was only. Nobody could not be approached the cuccia without that it put itself forsennatamente to bark (hardly a month and means) tripping towards lintruso. It would have become a magnificent guardiano. When Diana nursed it, in front of the stable, it remembered to me, for one of those unusual associations that our brain involuntarily completes, the lupa that it nursed Romolo and Remo. She in feet, glue its force and its fierezza, he seated, with one leg supported to the mammella, sucking eagerly. Image of one maestosit only. But then unexpected happened that I am not to tell and my grandfather had to give via the dogs. Diana and to my uncle, the cucciolo to a our neighbor of Capizzi. From then I watched with various eye all the dogs of our zone. Of Mannera purosangue they did not remain any that least. But nearly all the mestizos pruned impresso its stamp. The large head, the giogaia, the hair folto and the that strangest color. Cos nacque my passion. And with it also a great dream, to make to live again this ancient and ill-fated race.
My earth the beautifulst place, even a po too much warm, but task that are complete in every its part, and this that renders it cos beautiful. If the Mannera scomparissero would be like losing a small piece of that large puzzle that the Sicily. Me dispiace for the total indifference that has received this race from all the generations passages, cause of its decline. But I do not succeed to.blame come who before me. Hour my splendid island and lives, but it has had to cross times oxen. And for the Mannera not wax just space. I always conclude saying that task to the Time like to a sand fist. It is kept tightened in the hand, but slowly, inexorably, the sand slides via. Little to the time it exits from our palm, until when we notice that us escaped all and we find again the empty hand. But watching well we can see that always remained some granellino, between our fingers. And I would want that some granellino of these remained also for the Dog of Mannera


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One "race" in via destinzione

Com easy to intuire gi from the name, the Dog of Mannera (or shepherdesses sicialian) always be for excellence the dog from shepherdesses of that beautifulst island that the Sicily. The dog of Mannera has ancient origins much, tasks that derive from the molossoidi, one family of dogs much ancient and a lot "used". Ill-fatedly for our dog lately it is risking lestinzione: it comes coupled with others breeds (German shepherds, maremmani shepherds, husky, mestizos) losing cos many of its characteristics, or however it comes supplanted from other dogs from pubblicizzati devout shepherdesses. Moreover, to get worse the situation us the bureaucracy is put also that intralcia the job of the shepherds of the forced South, the devout ones of the times, to unravel of crudes oil and dogs. The "race" ill-fatedly not never be recognized, and by now the dog of Mannera odierno, not other that one stereotype of the old dog once. But the trace remains however. This dog mainly diffused in the province of Messina and part also in the catanese. And, in fact, enough to go around for the campaigns of the messinese in order to notice like anchor the greater part of the dogs rispecchi the characteristics of the dog of Mannera, glue its large size, testone stubborn and its to bark urgent. But it seems just that its road is marked. Traces of these dogs outside from the Sicily, that it renders it the still devout rare and localized, and moreover lisolamento are not found that for centuries has put molding on it and rendered consono to the sicialian territory, hour ago to appear in clearly disadvantage of forehead to other devout dogs "poured them"


A determined but tender character

Like many dogs from shepherdesses, the dog of Mannera rispecchia a twofold character: become attached, rispettoso, devout person to the master, careful and loving (knows of dogs that the sheep help to give birth) towards the animals which it attends (that they go from cows, sheep, goats, to devout the banal hens, or the pigs). But mistrustful, often also scontroso, towards the strangers, or anyone comes thought dangerous (is animal it that man) and enters in its propriet. Adaptable to whichever type of land, indifferent towards whichever climatic condition, much resistant, large fond of walking one, the dog from mannera rispecchia po a character of the shepherdesses sicialian: fierce, stubborn and intelligent.




Dog of Mannera or Sicialian Pastore.


Sicily. And in particular the mounts montuose Nebrodi, Madonie and chains to dellisola north. Little dogs of this race are present in the province of Catania and the palermitano.


Dog from guard of the flock and the propriet.


Ancient dog much, pertaining one to the molossoide stock. Concrete news of its existence in some popular books of Luigi Born them is had which < < the blessed souls Pauls > > or < < the old one dellaceto > >. Draft of a race that suffers the problem of not the selection and not the acknowledgment from part of some agency cinofilo. Its conservation, from centuries, entrusted the shepherds sicialian, than of it they have preservato its tipicit morphologic, characterial and vocational.

General aspect:

And a dog of great size, sturdy and heavy, much peasant one. Of rough constitution and with one developed skeleton. Laspetto that one of a powerful mesomorfo with the log leggermente devout along dellaltezza to the garrese.


Balanced race and calm with one detached territorial instinct. Much nevrile, brave and tenacious in the defense of the propriet, the flock and the persons. Affectionate and sweet with the master. Obstinate in the choices. The actions of defense are manifested without indugi also in active shape.


Large, wide, rather flat skull between the orecchie, arched zigomatica developed and muscolosa, absence of wrinkles and crest occipita them. Adherent skin, stop little marked, wide snout and not excessive along.


Little developed, seriche and compact.

Set of teeth:

Much fort, closing to scissor, enough compact.


Wide, with tight narici. Of always black color.


In position facade regarding the skull, large and of delicate shape to almond. They confer to the dog one good-natured expression, nearly supplichevole. The color of the eyes black brown and. To avoid other colors. Tonic and adherent eyelids.


Low junction on the skull, close allarcata zigomatica, erected seeds, fall back straight. Wide auricular pavilion.


Much sturdy, muscoloso one and of medium proportions. Extensive nape. The neck normally carried leggermente raised respect allasse of the back. On the present throat one giogaia marked.


Wide and of good cerchiata shape. It comes down until level of the elbows.


Wide and from the profile leggermente arch. The conjunction with rump and the delicate tail


Developed, thighs many muscolose


Little retratto regarding the thorax, nearly nonexistent separation from the renal region.


Lowland regarding the rump, of medium enough wide length and, high capacity and many times ricurva towards the rump. Strong and wide junction



Much powerful muscoloso and equipped of one strongly skeleton. Limited its obliquit.


Straight, it comes down online vertical on the carpo. Equipped of one powerful skeleton. . .

Posterior limbs:

Garretti angled, with single spur (than pu also to be absent)


Large and wide, with open fingers. Many times the fingers can be of color white man.


Smooth and soft to the tact, accepted one moderated undulation. Devout along on the neck and the tail. In the winter season the sottopelo devout abundant and form one criniera on the neck, emphasized from the giogaia. . .


The admitted colors are the black one, the white man, the cream and the brown. The color predominated the screziato uniform brown, to disparate spots or also tigrato of the devout ones tonalit.

Tolerated some tonalit of the red one.


Laltezza to the garrese does not have to exceed i 70 cm, and not to come down under the 60. Weight until 50 kg. for males and 45 for the females.


And considered defect whichever part of the body one goes away from the standard. Moreover the dog does not have to show itself timid or uncertain, n too much frightening, n much less excessive aggressive one. The subjects of inferior ransom to i 60 cm. and of light constitution, they will be excluded from the selection.


The Shepherdesses Sicialian a powerful dog, much intelligent and extremely typical one in the character and the attitudes: stubborn in the choices, a lot submitted the master, for which it expresses continues adoration. Its funny characteristic devout rising of along mixed howl to latrati repeated fastly when it must give lavviso dellarrivo of some stranger.
Draft of a dog from hard and pure, resistant job to the diseases and the thermal jolts, adapted to living in not suitable campaign and therefore to one sedentaria existence and housewife.
Like saying previously, the Dog of Mannera be conserved in the centuries like dog from job, lend therefore devout attention to its practical dowries rather than those aesthetic ones.
Unfortunately lintroduzione on new and fashionable the territory of breeds and the involontari crossings with these, has put to serious risk the conservation of the race. Fortunately in the rural zones dellentroterra sicilian they survive still exemplary much typical and of great size. Beginning from these pure shepherds begun lopera of recovery of the race, not only a jewel of the cinofilia, but above all a precious good of the sicialian historical patrimony.
Like all the things that testify unorigine, a duty, but would have to be also a pleasure, preservarle.

P.S. Lesemplare in the photo under the Title it does not introduce the goffered tail, and however the photo not of the best ones, but however rispecchia faithfully the characteristics of this dog. Moreover when the photo be released the bitch had give birth from hardly a week, therefore it would have to hold of account

This card be realized gives Salvatore "But"