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In the photos of Art, schnauzer pepper knows them, World Champion 2000di propriet of the Sig Erminio Coast

FCI Standard N° 182 / 18.04.2007 / GB


TRANSLATION : Mrs C. Seidler.



UTILISATION : Watch and Companion Dog.

CLASSIFICATION FCI :                 Group 2            Pinscher and Schnauzer-
                                                           Molossoid breeds - Swiss
                                                           Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds.
                                           Section 1   Pinscher and Schnauzer type.
                                           Without working trial.


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BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARYOriginally the Schnauzer was used in the region of Southern Germany as a stable dog as he felt particularly at home in the company of horses. He eagerly watched out for all rodents in order to kill them in a flash. This very early got him the appellation of “Rattler” (ratter). When the Pinscher-Schnauzer-Club was founded in 1895, he was entered under the name “rough haired Pinscher”.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Medium sized, strong, stocky rather than slim, rough haired.



  • Square build in which the height at the withers is nearly equal to the body length.
  • The length of the head (measured from the tip of the nose to the occiput) corresponds to half the length of the topline (measured from the withers to the set on of the tail).


BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT : Typical characteristics are his lively temperament, coupled with placid composure. Typical are his good nature, his playfulness and his proverbial devotion to his master. He loves children, is incorruptible, alert, yet not noisy. Highly developed sense organs, intelligence, trainability , fearlessness, endurance and resistance to weather and diseases provide the Schnauzer with all the requirements to be an outstanding family, guard and companion dog, also endowed with the qualities of a working dog.

Skull : Strong, long without markedly protruding occiput. The head should be in keeping with the dog’s force. The forehead is flat, without wrinkling and parallel to the bridge of nose.
Stop: Appears well defined due to the brows.

FACIAL REGION                  
Nose:     Well developed nose leather with large nostrils, always black.
Muzzle: Ending in a blunt wedge. Bridge of nose straight.
Lips : Black,  smooth and tight-fitting to the jaws. Corners of lips closed.
Jaws/Teeth: Strong upper and lower jaw.  The complete scissor bite (42 pure white teeth according to the dentition formula), is strongly developed and firmly closing. The chewing muscles are strongly  developed but the cheeks must not interfere with the rectangular shape of the head (with the beard).
Eyes : Medium sized, oval, facing forward, dark with lively expression. Eyelids close fitting.
Ears: Drop ears, set high, V-shaped with inner edges  lying close to the cheeks, evenly carried , turned forward towards temples.  Folds parallel, should not be above the top of the skull.


NECK The strong, muscular neck is nobly arched, blending smoothly into the withers. Strongly set on, slim, nobly curved, corresponding to the dog’s force . Throat skin tight- fitting without folds.

Topline: Slightly sloping from withers towards rear.
Withers: Forming the highest point in topline.
Back: Strong, short and taut.
Loins: Short, strong and deep. The distance from the last rib to the hip is short to make the dog appear compact.
Croup: Slightly rounded, imperceptibly blending into tail set on.
Chest: Moderately broad, oval in diameter, reaching to the elbows. The forechest is distinctly marked  by the point of the sternum.
Underline/Belly : Flanks not too tucked up, forming a well curved line with the underside of the ribcage.

TAIL :  Natural; a sabre or sickle carriage is sought after.


FOREQUARTERS : Seen from the front, the front legs are strong, straight and not close together.  Seen from the side, the forearms are straight.
Shoulders: The shoulder blade lies close  against the rib cage and is well muscled on both sides of the shoulder bone, protruding over the points of the thoracic vertebrae. As sloping as possible and well laid back, forming an angle of appr. 50° to the horizontal.
Upper arm: Lying close to the body, strong and well muscled, forming an angle of 95° to 105° to the shoulder blade.
Elbows:  Close fitting, turning neither in nor out.
Forearm: Viewed from all sides completely straight, strongly developed and well muscled.
Carpal joint : Strong, firm, barely standing out against the structure of the forearm.
Pastern : Seen from the front, vertical. Seen from the side slightly sloping towards the ground, strong and slightly springy.
Forefeet: Short and round. Toes well-knit and arched (cat foot) with short dark nails and resistant pads.

HINDQUARTERS: Standing obliquely when seen from the side, standing parallel but not close together when seen from the rear.
Upper thigh: Moderately long, broad and strongly muscled.
Stifle: Turning neither in nor out.
Lower thigh : Long, strong and sinewy, running into a strong hock.
Hock: Very well angulated, strong, firm, turning neither in nor out.
Metatarsus : Short, vertical to the ground.
Hind feet : Toes short, arched and well-knit. Nails short and black.

GAIT/MOVEMENT   Flexible, elegant, agile, free and ground covering. The front legs swinging as far forward as possible, the hind legs, ground covering and springy, provide the necessary drive. The front leg of one side and the hind leg of the other side move forward at the same time. The back, the ligaments and the joints are firm.

SKIN :Tight fitting over the whole body.


HAIR :  The coat should be wiry, harsh and dense. It consists of a dense undercoat and a not too short top coat, lying close to the body. The top coat is rough and sufficiently long to allow  the checking of its texture; it is neither bristly nor wavy. The hair on the limbs tends to be less harsh. Coat short on forehead and ears.   Typical characteristics are the not too soft beard on the muzzle and the bushy eyebrows which slightly shade the eyes.


  • Pure black with black undercoat.
  • Pepper and Salt.

When breeding Pepper and Salt, the aim is a medium shading with evenly distributed, well pigmented pepper colouring and grey undercoat.
The shades from dark iron grey to silver grey are all permitted. In all colour variations there must be a dark mask which should adapt harmoniously to the respective colour, emphasizing the expression. Distinct light markings on head, chest and limbs are undesirable.

Height at withers :         Dogs and bitches: 45 to 50 cm
Weight :                       Dogs and bitches: 14 to 20 kg.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

  • Head altogether too small or too short.
  • Heavy or round skull.
  • Wrinkles on forehead.
  • Short, pointed or narrow muzzle.
  • Pincer bite.
  • Strongly protruding cheeks or cheekbones.
  • Light, too large or round eyes.
  • Low set, too long or unevenly carried ears.
  • Throatiness.
  • Dewlap. Narrow crest of neck.
  • Too long, tucked up or soft back.
  • Roach back.
  • Croup falling away.
  • Tail set inclined towards head.
  • Long feet.
  • Pacing movement.
  • Too short, too long, soft, wavy, shaggy, silky, white or spotted coat or other mixed colours.
  • Brown undercoat.
  • In Pepper and Salt : a black trace on the back or a black saddle.
  • Over- or undersize up to 1 cm.



  • Clumsy or light build. Too low or too high on leg.
  • Inverse sexual type (i.e. doggy bitch).
  • Elbows turning out.
  • Straight or  open hocked hindlegs.
  • Hocks turning inwards.
  • Over- or undersize by more than 1 cm but less than 3 cm.


  • Shy, aggressive, vicious, exaggeratedly suspiciousor nervous behaviour.
  • Malformation of any kind.
  • Lack of breed type.
  • Faulty mouth, such as over- or undershot or wry mouth.
  • Severe faults in individual parts, such as faults in structure, coat and colour.
  • Over- or undersize by more than 3 cm.


Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

NB:   Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Automatic translate from

ORIGIN: German
USE: Dog from guard and supply
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 2 Swiss dogs of type schnauzer and pinscher, molossoidi, dogs from mountain and bovari, not subordinates to job test
SHORT HISTORICAL SIGNAL: The origins of the schnauzer reside in the Germany of the south where it came used in order to make the guard the scuderie and carried to the continuation of the carrozze.Lo schnauzer just comfort in company of the horses was felt particularly. Of zealous character it gave the hunting to the roditori, that it killed in a flash and that been worth the name, in the popular language, of "hunter of rats. To the age of the foundation of the Pinscher Schnauzer German Club in 1895 it still came called Pinscher to rough hair.
GENERAL ASPECT: dog of devout medium ransom of lengthened compact construction that to hard hair.

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The Height corresponds to the incirca to the length of the body giving to schnauzer a square aspect.
The total length of the head (measured from the estremit of the tartufo to the crest occipita them) corresponds to the met of the length of the back (measured from the garrese to the junction of the tail.
BEHAVIOR And CHARACTER: Associated lively temperament to a calm circospetta, a predilezione to the game and a proverbiale attachment to its landladies are the typical features of the character of the schnauzer. Lover of the children incorruttibile and alert but for this does not bark for a nonnull one. Its senses are a lot develop to you, its sagacia and intelligence, the attitude to the training, its courage, resistance and optimal sopportazione to the inclemencies and the diseases place it like an excellent dog for the family, the guard, and with the characteristics necessary in order to be a dog from utilit.

SKULL: Occipite the strong and lengthened skull with little saliente, the head must be in harmony with the size of the dog. The flat frontal bone with very stiff skin, the horizontal line of the forehead must be parallel to the advanced linen of the snout.
STOP: the stop very marked and with the aid of the sopraciglia it appears very obvious.
TARTUFO : a lot developed always black with narici very opened
SNOUT: it finishes to cone log, the rectilinear advanced line
LABBRA: black, very adherent and flat against the jaws, the little obvious labiale commessura
TEETH: solid jaws, strong closing to very combaciante scissor. The set of teeth must be complete with 42 strong teeth and white men, and respect the dental formula of the dog. The muscle to massetere very developed but much not to make to seem the cheeks too much in relief in order not to alter the rectangular aspect of the head, with the aid of the beard.
EYES: of medium largeness and shape oval inserted in possible semilateral position and devout dark with one the expression alive. The eyelids are very adherent to the ocular globe.
ORECCHIE: integral refolded and pendants attacked high on the head to turned upside down shape of v, are capacities in symmetrical way and revolts in avanti(when the dog in attention) in direction of the zigomi, the inner edge of the adherent orecchie to cheeks. The junction does not have to exceed the line of the skull.
The neck is melted harmoniously in the garrese and musculature agrees again strongly to the nape with one. In harmony with the rest of the body the solidly inserted neck, slanciato and nobly arch. The skin pliche the woven very stiff throat and below not the shape.
The advanced line leggermente descendant from the garrese towards the junction of the tail.
GARRESE: It constitutes the high point devout of the back.
BACK: Solid, short and detention.
KIDNEY: Solid and short wide. The distance between the last arc costs them and the short thigh much to make to appear the compact dog.
RUMP: It is melted imperceptibly with the junction of the tail and leggermente rounded off.
THORAX: Of width moderated, the cross-sectional oval and come down section until the elbow. Front the chest clearly contraddistinto from the tip of the sterno.
INFERIOR LINE And VENTRE: The ventre moderately retratto and joining with the inferior part of the thorax it designs one beautiful arched line.
TAIL: Natural (not amputated)
Approvals of forehead the front limbs are solid, straight and not too much near. Approvals of profile the forearms are straight.
SHOULDER: The decidedly adherent bachelor to the wall of the thorax, rather muscolosa exceeds in height the spiny apophyses of the vertebre thoracic, must be devout angled the possible one and very inserted, the angle that form with the horizontal of approximately 50.
ARM: Very adherent to the body, solid and muscoloso shape with the bachelor an angle between the 95 and the 105.
ELBOWS: Very adherent it does not turn aside you of it to the outside that to the inside of the subject.
FOREARM: Approval from every side absolutely straight, very developed and with very obvious musculature.
CARPO: Solid, firm, famous little in the structure of the forearm.
METACARPO: Approval frontally must be vertical, in famous the lateral profile an light inclination, must be solid and muscoloso and leggermente elastic.
FOOT: and short round, the fingers schiuse and are arch (cat foot) the plantari bearings are strong and black and the nails are strong and dark.
POSTERIOR LIMBS: Approvals of profile the posterior limbs are tilt to you, seen posteriorly they are parallels and not too much it draws near to you.
THIGHS: Of medium length, wide and many muscolose.
GINOCCHIA: Very direct, never turned towards the inside or the outside.
LEGS: Long, strong and nevrili they agree again in the solid ones garretti.
GARRETTI: Very angled, solid articulations, do not turn aside you of it to the outside of to the inside.
METATARSI: Vertical courts and in connection with the ground.
POSTERIOR FEET: Short fingers, arch and sluices; the nails are short and of dark color.
Elastic, elegant, agile and free that covers land. The front limbs extend devout the possible one in ahead, that posterior procurano the necessary push for of long and the elastic ones falcate. The front limb, on one side, and the posterior one, from the opposite side is left over at the same time. The back, the legamenti and the articulations are firm.
SKIN: The very adherent skin to the below woven one for all the body.