

The history


Swiss Shepherd Dogs


FCI-Standard No 347 / 18.12.2002 / GB

TRANSLATION : Mrs. R. Binder.

ORIGIN : Switzerland.


UTILIZATION : Family and working companion dog with distinctive friendly nature to children; attentive watchdog, cheerful and quick to learn.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs). Section 1 Sheepdogs. Without working trial.


In USA and Canada white shepherd dogs have gradually become to be accepted as a distinct breed. The first dogs of this breed were imported into Switzerland in the early 70ies. The American male "Lobo", whelped on 5th March 1966, can be considered as the progenitor of the breed in Switzerland. The descendants of that male registered with the Swiss Stud Book (LOS) and other white shepherd dogs imported from USA and Canada, gradually multiplied. There exists now a big number of white shepherd dogs, pure-bred, over several generations, distributed throughout Europe. For that reason, since June 1991, these dogs have been registered as a new breed with the appendix of the Swiss Stud Book (LOS).


A powerful, well-muscled, medium-sized, white shepherd dog with erect ears, double coat or long double coat or long double coat; elongated shape; medium sized bone and elegant, harmonious outline.


- Moderately long rectangular shape : body length (from the point of shoulder to point of buttock) to height at withers = 12 : 10.
- The distance from the stop to the noseleather slightly beyond the distance from the stop to the occipital protuberance.


Lively, without nervousness, attentive and watchful; towards strangers sometimes slightly aloof but never apprehensive or aggressive.


Strong, dry and finely chiselled, in good proportion to the body. Seen from above and from the side wedge-shaped. Axes of skull and foreface parallel.

Skull : Only slightly rounded; indicated central furrow.
Stop : Slightly marked, but clearly perceptible.


No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts:

Nose : Medium-sized; black pigmentation desired; snow nose and lighter nose accepted.
Muzzle : Powerful and moderately long in relation to the skull; nasal bridge and lower line of muzzle straight, slightly convergent to the nose.
Lips : Dry , closing tightly, as black as possible.
Jaws/Teeth : Powerful and complete, scissor bite. The teeth should be set square to the jaw.
Eyes : Medium-sized, almond shaped, placed a little obliquely; colour brown to dark-brown; eye lids well fitting with black eye-rims desirable.
Ears : Erect ears, set high, carried upright, parallel and directed forward; in the shape of an oblong, at the tip slightly rounded triangle.


Medium-long and well muscled, with harmonious set on at the body, without dewlap; the elegantly arched neckline runs without disruption from the moderately high carried head to the withers.


Strong, muscular, medium-long.
Withers : Pronounced.
Back : Level, firm.
Loins : Strongly muscled.
Croup : Long and of medium breadth; from the set on gently sloping to root of tail.
Chest : Not too broad; deep (about 50 % of the height at the withers); reaching to the elbows; ribcage oval; well extending to the rear. Prominent forechest.
Belly and flanks : Flanks slender, firm; underline moderately tucked up.


Bushy sabre tail, tapering to the tip; set on rather deep; reaching at least to the hock joint; at rest, it hangs either straight down or with a slight saber-like curve in its last third part; in movement carried higher, but never above the topline.


Strong, sinewy, medium bone.

FOREQUARTERS : Straight, seen from the front; only moderately broad stance; seen in profile, well angulated.
Shoulder : Shoulder blade long and well laid back; well angulated; whole shoulder strongly muscled.
Upper arm : Adequately long, strong muscles.
Elbows : Close fitting.
Forearm : Long, straight, sinewy.
Pastern : Firm and only slightly oblique.

HINDQUARTERS : Seen from the rear straight and parallel; standing not too wide; seen from the side with adequate angulation.
Upper thigh : Medium-long, strongly muscled.
Lower thigh : Medium-long, oblique, with solid bone and well muscled.
Hock joint : Powerful, well angulated.
Hock : Medium-long, straight, sinewy; dewclaws should be removed, except in countries where their removal is forbidden by law.
Feet : Oval, hind feet a little longer than forefeet; toes tight and well arched; firm black pads; dark nails desired.


Rhythmical sequence of steps with even drive and enduring; front legs reaching out far, with strong thrust; trot ground covering and easy.


Without folds and wrinkles; dark pigmentation.


HAIR : : Medium length, dense, close-lying double coat or long double coat; abundant undercoat covered with hard, straight protection hair; face, ears and front of legs are covered with shorter hair; at the neck and the back of the legs the coat is slightly longer. Slightly wavy, hard hair is permitted.

COLOUR : White.


Height at the withers : Dogs: 60 - 66 cm.; Bitches: 55 - 61 cm.
Weight : Dogs : ca. 30 - 40 kg.; Bitches : ca. 25 - 35 kg.
Typical dogs with slight under- or oversize should not be eliminated.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the serious- ness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.


  • Slight deer colour (light yellow or fawny shading) on eartips, back and upperside of the tail.
  • Partial loss of pigment of flecked appearance on noseleather, lips and/or eye rims.


  • Heavy appearance, too short build (square outline)
  • Masculinity or femininity not clearly defined .
  • Missing more than two PM1; the M3 are not taken into account.
  • Drop (hanging) ears, semi-pricked ears, button ears.
  • Strongly sloping backline.
  • Ringtail, kinky tail, hook tail, tail carried over back.
  • Soft, silky topcoat; woolly, curly, open coat; distinctly long hair without undercoat.
  • Distinct deer colour (distinct yellowish or tawny discolouring) on eartips, back and upperside of the tail.


  • Overly shy or aggressive.
  • One eye or both eyes blue, protruding eyes.
  • Entropion, ectropion.
  • Over-or undershot mouth, wry mouth.
  • Total loss of pigment on nose, lips and/or eye rims.
  • Total loss of pigment in the skin and on the pads.
  • Albinism.

NB.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Automatic translate from




THE CHARACTER   The Shepherdesses Swiss White man a dog that gives the morphologic point of view rassomiglia a lot to the Shepherdesses German of 70 years ago, less angled in the posterior one, but a lot very structured... e also from the characterial point of view possible to assert that there are several identical behavioural aspects.  


Lively, athletic, tenacious it, much resistant one to the hard work, full load of wants of to learn, much sensitive one to smells and every risen of noise: these are qualit typical of the Shepherdesses Swiss White man. In effects, in spite of the international denomination, draft of varying white woman of the Shepherdesses German (gene "C" manifest recessivo that only in shape omozigote, than cause the white man of the color of the mantle with maintenance for of dark pigment of eyes and mucuse... without other problematic ones of morphologic type or behavioural). And therefore it has the same behavioural characteristics of its "black-focato greater brother"; a lot attacked its capobranco, to the children and to the familiar nucleus in a generalized manner and it has a protecting attitude in the comparisons of all us that it re-enters in its territorial within: this its detached territorial spirit and this its great devozione for the human being and the family derives from its natural instinct and from its ancient employment, than manifested in the centuries in the living constantly to flank of the human being.   In primordiale age the man was substantially a hunter of large prede for survival reasons. And from the vicinity to the he-same man it found survival reason, in how much it was nourished of the rests of the great hunted mammals. Then the man divenne Shepherdesses and he accett, always for survival reasons,   Shepherdesses like its "capobranco". I learn to cooperate with the man for the conduction and the guard of the "flock". Obviously she had to develop one clear tendency of supremacy on the flock to the aim to conquer a place of I privilege to the inside of this it arranges.  

The Shepherds White men came use you like dogs from conduction and protection of the flock especially   on plateaus and innevate hills of northern Europe and continental (with climate moderate-cold), where these dogs had the possibilit of to camouflage itself with the surrounding atmosphere and where they could protect the flock from attack external of lupi and other predators easy identifiable perch of color different is regarding the atmosphere that to the same flock.   With the development of agriculture and the propriet agricultural divenne less and less "conductor of flock" and frequently always devout "guardiano of the propriet".   From true Shepherdesses it has innata tendency to re-unite and protect. He has much temperament, learns a lot fastly, but he has need of being trained with costanza, motivating it and stimulating it for what ago, poich he has the tendency to be bored equally easy.
Less nervous E' of puts into effect them Shepherdesses German and it does not love a lot to bark: respect to other dogs introduce a remarkable one variet of sounds, (beyond to bark. guaiti and howls) that they on loan seem to have been taken from the common ancestors of List of dog breeds, "the Lupo"), variable to varying of its state of mind. It has one mimica you make them much varied one: you will often see to express joy, dissatisfaction, doubt, melancholy... anger!!  

We said that the confidence in the master much fort, cos like much fort its attachment to all the family. Its manifestations of affection are to excessive times!! In the comparisons of the external world, of the other persons and the other animals it appears sometimes curious, but distaccato, never frightening or sure excessive aggressive. (made exception for the males who often stretch to the dominanza on other males whom they meet... of whichever Race.) The Shepherdesses Swiss White man has a protecting attitude to the inside of the family that its comes considered to all the effects "branco".
In order to avoid problems that could rebel in future, bisogner clearly to establish a precise hierarchy to the house inside, than the dog dovr necessarily to recognize and to accept for its future equilibrium. The cucciolo it has the highest one capacit of learning and observation, and just in this period that necessary to demonstrate itself   particularly sensitive and supervising. The cucciolo it must socialize devout the possible one and it must be stimulated with the just caution, In this phase it has need to know all the types of sound and noise and must be able to fiutare various types of odore.  

The group donates serenit and stabilit the dog which, having an established role very and for null ambiguous, vivr in balanced way. To such purpose we remember that conditionings and systems will have to be privileged of I reinforce positi to you bases to you on ricompensa and the game. The firmness to only become necessary in case of excessive tendency to the dominanza. One remembers finally that the coercion and the violence are not synonymous of autorit for those people that they use these practical. The dog obeys for fear and not for pleasure. This "obsolete" system of training and education creates in along period submit-afraid dogs excessive apati to us (if the subjects are equip you of insufficient temperament...)   or quite iperirritabili and iperaggressivi dogs if to the contrary draft of subjects with high hardening and high temperament. If you will succeed to maintain to yours autorit with the Shepherdesses Swiss White man without coercion and without to use reinforces denied (this speech to you pu to extend to all the breeds), you will not never arrive at critical moments "us" of relationship.   To this right point to make of the precisazioni and the distinctions, affinch is not run the risk to find the own expectations insoddisfatte. It is necessary therefore to hold well to mind the being followed points:   - the Shepherdesses Swiss White man risks the extinction poich for years was the wrong sideboard that White man was synonymous of biological alterations or albinism. Many European breeders of beginning century soppressero the puppys that were white men in the color of the mantle. The color white man was not in fact online with the cultural expectations and i desires of the German Bourgeoisie of first of the nine hundred, which idealizzava a dog dark, with orecchie possibly erected and an aspect similar to the lupo that it had (also for the color.) to incutere fear and respect.  

The Shepherdesses German divenne the pride of the entire Germany and all the German Bourgeoisie of those years, and from dog from Shepherdesses, trasform in short supervising time in careful and guardiano of the propriet (also city...)
- the history of the Shepherdesses White man be all to ollow itself of sad epiloghi and evident perpetrated ingiustizie because of "intégriste positions" from one sparuta minority of human ignoring, arrogating and presuntuosi beings. Because of these events obvious that the development of the Race sub one strongly rest at the beginning of the 900. The little "survivors" of Shepherdesses German White man came import to you in Canada and the States United to work of some amatori of the Race at the beginning of the century. These persons raised and developed the Race leaving from little exemplary. And therefore obvious that to serve other time in order to stabilize in optimal way the Selection of the Race.   - to difference of the Shepherdesses German still not worked on the separation of the lines (beauty - job).   - in some subjects, they could be observed   characteristics in the behavior tending devout to the "primordiale dog" and the lupoide rather than to the "city dog".   And therefore to times (fortunately not often...) imbatte to us in   extremely timid subjects, frightening in the comparisons of the external world (fear of the automobiles, the city noises, of people stranger, the novit in a generalized manner...); subjects that, leave you in house alone, they have destructive tendencies like eating the chairs, divani, taken of the current, quite intonaco of the walls. All this to of l of the training... and the imprinting, even if however possible to take part with a program of education to D.O.C. or, to prevent, in part, these problematic inquiring itself preventively near persons characterized on the Race before to acquire a subject with one sure genealogia.  

Fortunately the testimonies of persons remained "spiazzate" from subjects are little cos difficult to manage. For this we advise you to inform to you near our Club of Race for having information preventive and detailed on the lines of blood and the possible ones problematic psycho-physical in which us it could be imbattere with the new one arrived. Particular cases to part, of the rest common for List of dog breeds, we are sure that the Shepherdesses Swiss White man sar source of great joy and satisfaction from part of all you!! Insomma the launch challenge! We will see the judgment of gets passionate to you and of the experts. Sure the next years will decree sure the happened one of this splendid Race!!    

  Paul Dolphins.   





( Weisser Schweizer Schferhund)       

  (White Swiss Shepherd Dog)

  (Berger Blanc Suisse)            




of the 18.12.2002 /


TRANSLATION : Sig.Paolo Dolphins.


ORIGIN : Switzerland.



IN VIGOR FROM THE 26.11.2002.                                                           




Dog from family and company, guardiano and supervising caretaker. The children adore all the persons especially.

Dog from full job of wants to learn and that it learns a lot velocemente;allegro and docile at the same time.



Group   1              Dogs from Shepherdesses and Bovaro (excluded Bovari Swiss)  

Section 1               Dogs from Shepherdesses without job tests


SHORT HISTORICAL SUMMARY : In USA and Canada the Shepherds White men have become little one little distinguished and accepted Race like such.   The first dogs of this race have been import to you in Switzerland to the beginning of years 70. The male American Lobe, been born 5 March 1966, pu to be considered like the progenitore of the race in Switzerland. The descendants of that male have been enrolled in the Book Swiss Genealogico (LOS) cos like all the other dogs from Shepherdesses White men import to you from the USA and from Canada, which was progressively raises to you and they diffused themselves in nearly all Europe. Currently a good exemplary number exists of pure race that in the course of various generations is gradually multiplies to you. For this reason, from June 1991, these dogs have been enrolled like "new race" to the appendix of the Genealogico Book   Swiss (LOS).






GENERAL APPEARANCE : Sturdy and powerful, muscoloso dog from Shepherdesses, of medium ransom, with erected orecchie and a mantle white man to double hair, of medium or long length. It has a lengthened shape: equipped of a medium sturdy skeleton, its elegant and harmonious line.





Scrivibile in a rectangle leggermente lengthened. the relationship between the length of the body (measured from the apex of the shoulder to the extreme point of the buttock) and the height to garrese = 12: 10. The distance between the depression nose-facade and the tartufo leggermente exceeds that one between the depression nose-facade and external the apophysis occipita them.




The proportions and the angles-shot of Shepherdesses German and Shepherdesses Swiss White man.


BEHAVIOR/CHARACTER : Full load of temperament without nervousness, careful he and supervising. Some leggermente classified time towards the estraneii, however   he not never frightening or aggressive.

THE HEAD : , strongly dry, fine cesellata and very proporzionata to the body. Approval from the high and of profile it has the shape of a cone. The advanced lines of the skull and the nasal septum are parallels.







SKULL : Only slightly rounded off; I furrow sketched, but clearly perceivable medium-facade as soon as.


DEPRESSION NASO-FRONTALE : little marked, but clearly visible.



  Normal school                                                                    Defect




TARTUFO: of medium dimensions; the black pigmentazione to prefer: the tartufo less pigmented or schiarito however accepted.


SNOUT : solid and of medium length in connection with the skull; the profile nasal back and the inferior-lateral line of the snout are straight and converge slightly in direction of the tartufo.


LABBRA : also these possibly black, dry and very convergent.


JAWS/TEETH : strong set of teeth and completes with recorded to you very articulated. The teeth would have to be implant to you to crown very align you to the jaws of equal length (ortogmatismo).



Ortogmatismo with closing to tenaglia           







THE EYES : of medium dimensions, to almond shape, arranged oblique leggermenti; they are of fuocato color from tawny to tawny: the pupille whose desirable black edge, is consistent to the ocular globe.



Orecchie erected with high junction. Draft of great orecchie perfectly erected capacities, parallels that head well in ahead   in shape of lengthened triangle that one leggermente becomes rounded its estremit.





THE NECK : of very muscoloso medium length and, it is risen harmoniously on the log without giogaia; the advanced line of the neck sagomata with elegance combines without interruptions to the head moderately high capacity to the garrese.

THE BODY : Vigorous and muscoloso of medium length.

THE GARRESE : very pronounced.

THE BACK : solid horizontal and.

The LOMBI : many muscolosi.

THE RUMP : long and of medium width; to leave from the beginning it it is tilted sweetly towards the region of the junction of the tail.

THE CHEST : wide and not too much deep approximately of 50 % of the Height, it catches up the elbows; the thoracic cage of shape oval, very developed towards the front part and ricorperta of mantle white man a lot very emphasized.  

VENTRE and FLANKS : very it delineates to you and fixed. Below line leggermente rimontata towards the posterior limbs.


Harmonious Corporatura


THE TAIL : to shape of "scimitarra" (sabre), the much driven in and folta on all its circumference, it is sharpenned towards its estremit;

inserted and attacked rather low, it catches up only minimally   garretto; R-retired it hangs straight or leggermente incurvata to "scimitarra" in its last third-part. When the dog in motion it comes high capacity devout, but never devout high of the line of the back.    


THE LIMBS : Strong, dry of width and medium thickness.  

FRONT LIMBS : approvals from, straight and moderately opened; very angled approvals of profile.

SHOULDER : Long, very oblique Omoplata and forming one angle corrected with the arm; all the region of the shoulders much muscolosa.

ARMS : of good length and many muscolose.

ELBOWS : vertical very berthed between arm and forearm.

FOREARM : along erected and dry.

METACARPO : solid and single leggermente oblique.  


POSTERIOR LIMBS : Approvals from the back straight and parallels, moderately distance to you; very angled approvals of profile.

THIGH : of medium length, much muscolosa.

LEG : of medium length, in position oblique, much muscolosa and equipped of one sturdy skeleton.

GARRETTO : equipped of a skeleton much fort and one good angle-shot.

METATARSO : of medium length, straight and dry ground; the spurs must be eliminate to you, but in those Countries where their recording prohibited from the Law.

FEET: of ovalata shape; the posterior feet are a p devout long of the front feet. Fingers very bent sluices and; bearings   rigid, resistant and black; searched nails of dark color.  

SAILING POINT : March to regular rhythm, melted and supported: falcate of great amplitude with powerful push; to the trot the extended and easy movement.




SKIN : without folds, of one dark pigmentazione.  

CAPE/HAIR : hair double of medium or long length, dense and very stratified. abundant Under-hair; smooth hair of cover and folto; the face, the orecchie and the front part of the limbs introduce a hair short a p devout; on the nape and the posterior part of the limbs the hair a p devout along; leggermente waved, but hard, admitted a hair.



   Short Hair                                                              Hair Average-Along      


THE COLOR : White man.  


Males   -  Height:   60 - 66 cm            Weight: 30-40 Kg approximately

Females -   Height:   55 - 61 cm            Weight: 25-35 Kg approximately

The subjects very tipizzati of a ransom leggermente to disotto or above the previewed limit the standard do not have to be eliminate to you.  

The DEFECTS : all the one which follows in this relationship it must be considered like a defect that sar   devout or less penalizing in function of its gravit.  


- discreet presence of color hair fulvo clear carbonate (light ombratura of red color from yellowish to tawny) to the tip of the orecchie, on the back and the tail.

- pigment absence on the tartufo, the labbra and, or the edges of the eyelids  


- Subject of sgraziato aspect, square shape (too much short);

- sexual Characters distinguished you of the males and the females insufficiently mark to you;

- Absence of devout of two PM1: the M3 is not taken in consideration;

- cut Orecchie falling, orecchie falling seeds, orecchie.

- Line of the strongly decliva back.

- wrapped, cut Tail, to uncino,   capacity on the back.

- Hair floscio, setoso, lanoso, curl, badly extended; hair clearly along without under hair.

- marked Presence of color hair fulvo clear carbonate

(spots of red color from yellowish to tawny) to the tip of the orecchie, on the back and the tail.  


Frightening dogs, aggressive dogs.

An eye or both the blue eyes. Globular eyes.

Entropy, ectropia.

Which had advanced or inferior Prognatismo, arched incisive.

Tartufo, labbra and edges of the eyelids totally depigmentati.

Skin and bearings totally depigmentati.



N.B. The males must completely have two testicoli of normal aspect reductions in the scroto.  

For the realization of this card we thank Paul Dolphins and we invite to you to visit its situated one