


ORIGIN: Hungary
Height: Its height is gone around around to 1,50 m.
CAPE: It prevails in the color of the gray. Pu to find itself also sauro and devout very rarely morello.
Character: It is demonstrated available to work with the man. Lively, brave E' and much intelligent one.
Physicist: The head of medium largeness and, to difference of the Arabic Purosangue, has a convex profile. The orecchie are small and the large eyes. The muscolosa incollatura and not particularly long, the wide chest. The short and compact back, derives from the particular skeletal conformation of the Arabic horses. The limbs are short and thin, very it conforms to you. The hooves are hard and small.


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The Shagya not a pure Arab, perch derives from giumente not Arabic. This the only sure data as far as its descendancys. In fact there are two theories on the birth of this race. Before it supports that this horse nacque in 1816, in the breeding of Babolna where the army wanted that all the fattrici were covered from stalloni orients them. Around to the 1830 breeding terrible venerea disease had from one. Then the greater Freiherr von Herbert made to come from the desert five cavalle and nine stalloni Arabic, of which one of Shagya name, rivel an optimal riproduttore. The second theory makes to be born this race in 1830, from one stallone of Shagya name, in Syria. In the 1836 this stallone it came imported in Hungary where beginnings its career of riproduttore, intercrossing itself with giumente of Arabic, Lusitanian race and English Purosangue. In the years succeeded to you, later on to it takes care of crossings to you, riusc to obtain a subject not much high, but morphologically perfect. Currently descendants also in the United States, Polonia find themselves, in Austria, in Rumania, in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.

This card be sended to us from Alfeo R.