


The Blond hen Piemontese  



Origin and development

In the war and post-war period, the greater part of the piemontesi and from Valle d'Aosta companies possessed animals from courtyard and, as far as the pollame, they raised polli local defined blond race Piemontese (Vezzani, 1938), other names that come currently attributed to the race are Blond of Villanova, Blond woman of Wedge, Red of the Jigs or still nostralina.

Consistency and geographic distribution

The consistency of the race ignota, some nuclei in purity still come raise you like attivit amatoriale from some tens of breeders in the plain of Wedge and the zone of Villanova to the border between province of Hatred and Turin.

Difficult to estimate which it is the consistency of the race seen the dimensions and the dispersion of the breedings.

Techniques of breeding

They are it raises to you with familiar extensive system, nearly always to earth and feeds with pasture and maize integration to you. Lutilizzazione the familiar consumption and the sale on tries to you local as polli ruspanti and hens to fine career assign you to the public square of Milan and Farrara.

Characteristics of the race  

to) morphologic Characters

Head: of medium development, with formed simple red crest from 4 to 6 teeth, very developed, erected in the rooster, hanging on one side in the hen; red wattles and cheeks, large ears of medium largeness, red with venature white women. Yellow, strong spout.

Body: collected with chest and wide shoulders

Footsteps and skin: of yellow color

Piumaggio: of color fulvo (camosciato or golden in varied gradazione)

Tail: high capacity, of black color, long and square in the hen, with glares still colors metallic in the rooster or white woman or blue to you.

In both seies, some primary remiganti of the same color of the tail can be present. Weight: the alive weight of adult galliums varied from 2,5 to 3 kg, that one of the adult hens from 2 to 2,5 kg.  



No breeding to signal
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b) productive Characters

The eggs are of color rosato with smooth shell and medium weight of 55-60 grams. The production anniversary concentrated mostly in the primaverile and summery period is gone around on the 180-200 eggs. The pollastre they begin the deposition towards the 6-7 month of life.

The production of important meat introducing the race a premature, characteristic development to which they join rusticit and resistance to the diseases, the weight of slaughtering (1,5 kg) comes caught up in 70 days approximately. Qualit of the meat also the due to the techniques of extensive breeding and destined optimal feeding and perci to the demanding devout consumers.

The typical productions are the pollo of 60-70 days, cappone during the christmas period and the hen to fine production. These usually come commercialized in Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy.

Crest and wattles particularly develop to you are use you for the piemontese typical plate the finanziera.  

to) riproduttivi Characters

Beyond to the good attitude to the egg production, the race introduces unelevata percentage of schiudibilit of the same ones.  


we thank Gianni Bridges for the realization of this card