


The Lacaune




The name of the race derives from that one of a capoluogo of cantone situated to the center of the Lacaune mounts, in the region of the Roquefort.
It comprises seven departments ( Aveyron, Aude, Gard, Hrault, Lozre, Tarn, Tarn and Garonne ), much several one between of they, is as far as the altitude (from 300 to devout of 1000 m.s.l.m.) that for the climate, the Mediterranean but with Atlantic infuences.
Originally with the Lacaune term one agreed to report to us to the subjects of the aforesaid area; currently the term extended to an immense area devout in which they fall back breeds not a lot from morphologic the different point of view, but employee from the area of breeding and the resource to practical of traditional mungitura, like " Camars "," Larzac "," Causse di Rodez "," Sgala "and" Lauragais ".

The Lacaune race represents the hinge around to which wheel the economy of an entire region.
From its latte ones the cheeses are produced Roquefort , " Feta "(with latte pasteurized)," Brousse "(obtained for acidification of the serum and the latte ones of sheep)," Perail "(manufactured exclusively beginning from latte entire of Lacaune sheep).

In the area of origin be subordinate, in the years it passes to you, to a work of selection, undertaken from omonima the Association Breeders in collaboration with the lattiero-casearia industry and the so effective INRA to have made to raise the production of latte from 56.8 million liters of 1960 to 234 of the 1999 E' to consider a race to twofold attitude, perch beyond to a plentiful one quantit of latte, produces also to Agnelli a lot appreciates to you from the consumers.

The spread of the Lacaune in the world
To leave from 1992, numerous subject countries have imported Lacaune officially. Between these they signal Spain, the Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Brasi them, the Venezuela, Tunisia. In Italy, the Institute Zootecnico and Caseario of the Sardinia are estimating the possibilit to introduce those particularly interesting geniuses of the Lacaune race in the Sardinian and viceversa, in order to increase the efficiency productive of the animals.

In the last decade begun a slow but constant flow of import of this ovine race towards the province of Foggia. Currently present it in three breedings, with a numerical consistency that is gone around on the 800 heads approximately.
It turns out very it are acclimatized is to the atmosphere of the Sub-Appennino Southern Dauno that to that devout moderated of the Gulf of Manfredonia.
The Kind one of Puglia has replaced breeds ovine which, the Sopravissana, Of the Langhe and the Ile de France.

In two of these companies raised with system seeds-stallino and munta mechanically; in the lead to pasture and manually munta remaining.
In two breedings the latte ones transformed directly in company, the third party conferred to a cooperative cheese factory. Of this genotype the breeders show to appreciate just those characters improve to you with the genetic selection in the Country of origin, which the production of latte, mungibilit and the production of meat (prolificit, maternal behavior, increases, qualit and conformation).

In the comparisons of these and other characters (velocit of mungitura, better release of the ossitocina during the mungitura, characteristics of the mammella, temperament, suscettibilit to the mastitis, resistance to the diseases, behavior to the pasture), also in other Countries be observed the superiorit of this respect to others breeds.

All us premised, also in absence of specific studies on the presence of this ovine race in the meridione of Italy, us seemed useful to inquire in the merit.
They have been carried out of the observations near the privately-owned companies previously cited, stiff to assess the main morphologic and how much-qualitative characteristics of the productions of the race Gaps.

Morphologic characteristics
These characteristics are enough similar are for the subjects raise you for the production of the latte ones that of the meat.
The fine head typically, lengthened, with arch profile, long and horizontal orecchie; it is introduced acorne.
The height to the varied garrese between the 70 and 80 cm.; the medium weight of the females oscillates between the 65 and 75 kg, while for the males pu to exceed the 100 kg.Head and nape are lacking in wool; the weight of the vello oscillates between 1.5 and 2 kg.


No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts:  

The production of latte
The sheep that give birth in autumn (the birth of Agnelli concentrated in the November-December months), give to the light Agnelli of 4 kg of weight, medium.
They nurse for a month approximately until the attainment of a medium weight of 12-13 kg. After the weaning, they are sold and it consumes as Agnelli to you from latte or raises to you like quota rimonta. After to have removed Agnelli, the sheep munte for 6-8 months (from December to July).
The medium production of latte is gone around on the 270 liters (after the weaning of the lamb to 30 days of ET), for one average life of the lactation of 165 days. Latte the much rich one is in proteins that in fat people.

Production of the meat
In a generalized manner, the every day increase of Agnelli adds also the 400 gr.
The subjects do not sacrifice to you constitute the quota of rimonta equal to 25-35 % annual.
Agnelli is pulled down to 12-13 kg of alive weight, that he comes caught up to 30-35 ET days.
The meats, of clear color, are a lot appreciated from the consumers, perch possess a delicate sapore devout. The carcasss are introduced rather homogenous; those of the males weigh 7-8 kg ca.