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GENERAL: the distinctive feature of the American Curl is their attractive, uniquely curled-back ears. The original American Curl, a longhaired female named Shulamith, was first noted in Southern California in 1981. Selective breeding began in 1983. Curls are elegant, well balanced, moderately muscled, slender rather than massive in build. Females weigh 5 to 8 pounds, males weigh 7 to 10 pounds. Proper proportion and balance are more important than size. Allowance is to be made for normal male characteristics.


No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts:

HEAD: Shape: modified wedge without flat planes, moderately longer than wide, smooth transitions. Profile: nose moderate in length and straight, slight rise from bottom of eyes to forehead, gentle curve to top of head, flowing into neck, without a break. Size: medium in proportion to body. Muzzle: rounded with gentle transition, no pronounced whisker break. Chin: firm, in line with nose and upper lip.

EARS: Degree: minimum 90 degree arc of curl, not to exceed 180 degrees. Firm cartilage from ear base to at least 1/3 of height. Shape: wide at base and open, curving back in smooth arc when viewed from front and rear. Tips rounded and flexible. Size: moderately large. Placement: erect, set equally on top and side of head. Furnishings: desirable. Note: when Curls are alert with ears swiveled toward front, lines following curve of ear through tips should point to center of base of skull. (Lines following curve of ear through tips beyond 90 and up to 180 degrees may intersect at a point farther up on skull, but not beyond top of skull.

EYES: Shape: walnut, oval on top and round on bottom. Placement: set on slight angle between base of ear and tip of nose one eye width apart. Size: moderately large. Color: clear, brilliant, no relation to coat color except blue eyes required in colorpoint class.

BODY: Torso Shape: semi-foreign rectangle, length one and one-half times height at shoulder, medium depth of chest and flank. Size: intermediate, with allowances for larger males. Musculature: moderate strength and tone, flexible. Tail: flexible, wide at base, tapering; equal to body length. Legs: length medium in proportion to body, set straight when viewed from front or rear. Medium boning, neither fine nor heavy. Neck: medium. Feet: medium and rounded.

COAT & COLOR: Longhair Division: Texture: fine, silky, laying flat. Undercoat: minimal. Coat length: semi-long. Tail coat: full and plumed. Color: all colors accepted as listed. Shorthair Division: Texture: soft, silky, laying flat, resilient without a plush dense feel. Undercoat: minimal. Coat length: short. Tail coat: same length as body coat. Color: all colors accepted as listed.

PENALIZE: Ears: low set; abrupt change of direction without smooth curve; pinch, horizontal or vertical crimp; interior surface which appears corrugated. Body: tubular or cobby. Excessive size. Nose: deep nose break. Coat: Longhair Division: heavy undercoat; heavy ruff; coarse or cottony texture. Shorthair Division: heavy undercoat, coarse texture; dense or plush coats.

DISQUALIFY: extreme curl in adult where tip of ear touches back of ear or head. Ears that are straight, severely mismatched, thick or having inflexible tips. Lack of firm cartilage in base of ear. Tail faults.


WHITE: pure glistening white. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

BLACK: dense coal black, sound from roots to tip of fur. Free from any tinge of rust on tips or smoke undercoat. Nose leather: black. Paw pads: black or brown.

BLUE: blue, lighter shade preferred, one level tone from nose to tip of tail. Sound to the roots. A sound darker shade is more acceptable than an unsound lighter shade. Nose leather and paw pads: blue.

RED: deep, rich, clear, brilliant red; without shading, markings, or ticking. Lips and chin the same color as coat. Nose leather and paw pads: brick red.

CREAM: one level shade of buff cream, without markings. Sound to the roots. Lighter shades preferred. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

CHOCOLATE: rich, warm chocolate-brown, sound from roots to tip of fur. Nose leather and paw pads: brown.

LILAC: rich, warm lavender with a pinkish tone, sound and even throughout. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

CHINCHILLA SILVER: undercoat pure white. Coat on back, flanks, head, and tail sufficiently tipped with black to give the characteristic sparkling silver appearance. Legs may be slightly shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, and chest, pure white. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

SHADED SILVER: undercoat white with a mantle of black tipping shading down from sides, face, and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach, and under the tail. Legs to be the same tone as the face. The general effect to be much darker than a chinchilla. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: undercoat rich warm cream. Coat on back, flanks, head, and tail sufficiently tipped with black to give golden appearance. Legs may be slightly shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, and chest, cream. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. Nose leather: deep rose. Paw pads: black.

SHADED GOLDEN: undercoat rich warm cream with a mantle of black tipping shading down from the sides, face, and tail from dark on the ridge to cream on the chin, chest, stomach, and under the tail. Legs to be the same tone as the face. The general effect to be much darker than a chinchilla. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. Nose leather: deep rose. Paw pads: black.

SHELL CAMEO (Red Chinchilla): undercoat white, the coat on the back, flanks, head, and tail to be sufficiently tipped with red to give the characteristic sparkling appearance. Face and legs may be very slightly shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, and chest, white. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose.

SHADED CAMEO (Red Shaded): undercoat white with a mantle of red tipping shading down the sides, face, and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach, and under the tail. Legs to be the same tone as face. The general effect to be much redder than the shell cameo. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose.

SHELL TORTOISESHELL: undercoat white. Coat on the back, flanks head, and tail to be delicately tipped in black with well-defined patches of red and cream tipped hairs as in the pattern of the tortoiseshell. Face and legs may be slightly shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, and chest, white to very slightly tipped. Blaze of red or cream tipping on face is desirable.

SHADED TORTOISESHELL: undercoat white. Mantle of black tipping and clearly defined patches of red and cream tipped hairs as in the pattern of the tortoiseshell. Shading down the sides, face, and tail from dark on the ridge to slightly tipped or white on the chin, chest, stomach, legs, and under the tail. The general effect is to be much darker than the shell tortoiseshell. Blaze of red or cream tipping on the face is desirable.

BLACK SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with black. Cat in repose appears black. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Points and mask black with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Nose leather and paw pads: black.

BLUE SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with blue. Cat in repose appears blue. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Points and mask blue, with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Nose leather and paw pads: blue.

CAMEO SMOKE (Red Smoke): white undercoat, deeply tipped with red. Cat in repose appears red. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Points and mask red, with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Nose leather, rims of eyes, and paw pads: rose.

CHOCOLATE SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with chocolate. Cat in repose appears chocolate. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Points and mask chocolate with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Nose leather and paw pads: chocolate.

LAVENDER SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with lavender. Cat in repose appears lavender. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Points and mask lavender, with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender.

CREAM SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with cream. Cat in repose appears cream. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Points and mask cream, with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Nose leather, rims of eyes, and paw pads: pink.

SMOKE TORTOISESHELL: white undercoat, deeply tipped with black with clearly defined unbrindled patches of red and cream tipped hairs as in the pattern of the tortoiseshell. Cat in repose appears tortoiseshell. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face and ears tortoiseshell pattern with narrow band of white at the base of the hairs next to the skin that may be seen only when fur is parted. Blaze of red or cream tipping on face is desirable.

CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with chocolate tortoiseshell. Cat in repose appears chocolate tortoiseshell. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Points and mask chocolate tortoiseshell with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Nose leather and paw pads: mottled with pink on nose and paws.

BLUE-CREAM SMOKE: white undercoat deeply tipped with blue, with clearly defined patches of cream as in the pattern of the blue-cream. Cat in repose appears blue-cream. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face and ears blue-cream pattern with narrow band of white at the base of the hair next to the skin that may be seen only when fur is parted. Blaze of cream tipping on face is desirable.

CLASSIC TABBY PATTERN: markings dense, clearly defined, and broad. Legs evenly barred with bracelets coming up to meet the body markings. Tail evenly ringed. Several unbroken necklaces on neck and upper chest, the more the better. Frown marks on forehead form an intricate letter "M." Unbroken line runs back from outer corner of eye. Swirls on cheeks. Vertical lines over back of head extend to shoulder markings which are in the shape of a butterfly with both upper and lower wings distinctly outlined and marked with dots inside outline. Back markings consist of a vertical line down the spine from butterfly to tail with a vertical stripe paralleling it on each side, the three stripes well separated by stripes of the ground color. Large solid blotch on each side to be encircled by one or more unbroken rings. Side markings should be the same on both sides. Double vertical rows of buttons on chest and stomach.

MACKEREL TABBY PATTERN: markings dense, clearly defined, and all narrow pencillings. Legs evenly barred with narrow bracelets coming up to meet the body markings. Tail barred. Necklaces on neck and chest distinct, like so many chains. Head barred with an "M" on the forehead. Unbroken lines running back from the eyes. Lines running down the head to meet the shoulders. Spine lines run together to form a narrow saddle. Narrow pencillings run around body.

PATCHED TABBY: a patched tabby (torbie) is an established silver, brown, or blue tabby with patches of red and/or cream.

SPOTTED TABBY PATTERN: markings on the body to be spotted. May vary in size and shape with preference given to round, evenly distributed spots. Spots should not run together in a broken mackerel pattern. A dorsal stripe runs the length of the body to the tip of the tail. The stripe is ideally composed of spots. The markings on the face and forehead shall be typically tabby markings. Underside of the body to have "vest buttons." Legs and tail are barred.

TICKED TABBY PATTERN: body hairs to be ticked with various shades of marking color and ground color. Body when viewed from top to be free from noticeable spots, stripes, or blotches, except for darker dorsal shading. Lighter underside may show tabby markings. Face, legs, and tail must show distinct tabby striping. Cat must have at least one distinct necklace.

BROWN PATCHED TABBY: ground color brilliant coppery brown with classic or mackerel tabby markings of dense black with patches of red and/or cream clearly defined on both body and extremities; a blaze of red and/or cream on the face is desirable. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes.

BLUE PATCHED TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, pale bluish ivory with classic or mackerel tabby markings of very deep blue affording a good contrast with ground color. Patches of cream clearly defined on both body and extremities; a blaze of cream on the face is desirable. Warm fawn overtones or patina over the whole.

SILVER PATCHED TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, pale silver with classic or mackerel tabby markings of dense black with patches of red and/or cream clearly defined on both body and extremities. A blaze of red and/or cream on the face is desirable.

SILVER TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color, including lips and chin, pale, clear silver. Markings dense black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

RED TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color red. Markings deep, rich red. Lips and chin red. Nose leather and paw pads: brick red.

BROWN TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color brilliant coppery brown. Markings dense black. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Back of leg black from paw to heel. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black or brown.

BLUE TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color, including lips and chin, pale bluish ivory. Markings a very deep blue affording a good contrast with ground color. Warm fawn overtones or patina over the whole. Nose leather: old rose. Paw pads: rose.

CREAM TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color, including lips and chin, very pale cream. Markings of buff or cream sufficiently darker than the ground color to afford good contrast, but remaining within the dilute color range. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

BLUE SILVER and CREAM SILVER TABBIES: tabby pattern with colors and leathers same as for corresponding shaded colors.

CHOCOLATE SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, is silver. Markings rich chestnut. Nose leather: chestnut or pink rimmed with chestnut. Paw pads: cinnamon.

LAVENDER SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, a cold clear silver. Markings sound lavender. Nose leather: lavender or pink rimmed with lavender. Paw pads: lavender-pink.

CAMEO TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color off-white. Markings red. Nose leather and paw pads: rose.

TORTOISESHELL: black with unbrindled patches of red and cream. Patches clearly defined and well broken on both body and extremities. Blaze of red or cream on face is desirable.

CALICO: white with unbrindled patches of black and red. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest, and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. Inverted "V" blaze on face desirable.

DILUTE CALICO: white with unbrindled patches of blue and cream. As a preferred minimum the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest, and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. Inverted "V" blaze on face desirable.

BLUE-CREAM: blue with patches of solid cream. Patches clearly defined and well broken on both body and extremities.

BI-COLOR: black and white, blue and white, red and white, or cream and white. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest, and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. Inverted "V" blaze on face desirable. Cats with no more than a locket and/or button do not qualify for this color class. Such cats shall be judged in the color class of their basic body color with no penalty for such locket or button.

VAN BI-COLOR: Black and white, red and white, blue and white, or cream and white. White cat with color confined to the extremities; head, tail, and legs. One or two small colored patches on body allowable.

VAN CALICO: white cat with unbrindled patches of black and red confined to the extremities; head, tail, and legs. One or two small colored patches on body allowable.

VAN DILUTE CALICO: white cat with unbrindled patches of blue and cream confined to the extremities; head, tail, and legs. One or two small colored patches on body allowable.

(NOTE: cats having more than two small body spots should be shown in the regular bi-color class.)

TABBY AND WHITE: white with colored portions, the colored portions of the cat to conform to the currently established classic, mackerel, patched, ticked and spotted tabby color standards. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest, and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. Inverted "V" blaze on face desirable.

SEAL POINT: body even pale fawn to cream, warm in tone, shading gradually into lighter color on the stomach and chest. Points deep seal brown. Nose leather and paw pads: same color as points. Eye color: blue.

CHOCOLATE POINT: body ivory with no shading. Points milk-chocolate color, warm in tone. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon pink. Eye color: blue.

BLUE POINT: body bluish white, cold in tone, shading gradually to white on stomach and chest. Points blue. Nose leather and paw pads: slate blue. Eye color: blue.

LILAC POINT: body glacial white with no shading. Points frosty grey with pinkish tone. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender pink. Eye color: blue.

LILAC-LYNX POINT: body glacial white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears frosty grey with pinkish tone, paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: lavender-pink permitted, pink edged in lavender-pink preferred. Paw pads: lavender-pink. Eye color: blue.

LILAC-CREAM POINT: body glacial white; mottling, if any, in the shade of the points. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone, uniformly mottled with pale cream; a blaze is desirable. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable. Eye color: blue.

LILAC-CREAM LYNX POINT: body glacial white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping and/or cream mottling. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears frosty grey with pinkish tone, paler thumbprint in center. Uniform mottling of cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: lavender-pink permitted, pink edged in lavender-pink preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: lavender-pink, or lavender-pink mottled with flesh or coral pink. Eye color: deep vivid blue. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

FLAME (RED) POINT: body creamy white. Points deep orange flame to deep red. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh or coral pink. Eye color: blue.

CREAM POINT: body creamy white with no shading. Points buff cream with no apricot. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh pink or salmon coral. Eye color: blue.

CREAM LYNX POINT: body clear white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping. Points: bars of pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh to coral pink. Eye color: blue.

TORTIE POINT: body creamy white or pale fawn. Points seal with unbrindled patches of red and/or cream. Blaze of red or cream on face is desirable. Nose leather and paw pads: seal brown with flesh and/or coral pink mottling to conform with colors of points. Eye color: blue.

CHOCOLATE-TORTIE POINT: body ivory, may be mottled in older cats. Points: warm milk-chocolate uniformly mottled with red and/or cream; a blaze is desirable. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable. Eye color: blue.

CHOCOLATE-TORTIE LYNX POINT: body ivory. Body shading may take form of ghost striping and/or cream mottling. Points: warm milk-chocolate bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears warm milk- chocolate with paler thumbprint in center. Uniform mottling of red and/or cream overlays the markings of the points. Nose leather: cinnamon permitted, pink edged in cinnamon preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present. Paw pads: cinnamon, or cinnamon mottled with flesh or coral pink. Eye color: blue. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

BLUE-CREAM POINT: body bluish white or creamy white, shading gradually to white on the stomach and chest. Points blue with patches of cream. Nose leather and paw pads: slate blue, pink, or a combination of slate blue and pink. Eye color: blue.

CHOCOLATE LYNX POINT: body ivory. Body shading may take form of ghost striping. Points: warm milk-chocolate bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears warm milk-chocolate with paler thumbprint in center. Nose leather: cinnamon permitted, pink edged in cinnamon preferred. Paw pads: cinnamon. Eye color: blue.

SEAL LYNX POINT: points beige-brown ticked with darker brown tabby markings. Body color pale cream to fawn, warm in tone. Mask must be clearly lined with dark stripes vertical on forehead with classic "M" on forehead, horizontal on cheeks and dark spots on whisker pads clearly outlined in dark color edges. Inner ear light with thumbprint on outer ear. Markings dense, clearly defined and broad. Legs evenly barred with bracelets. Tail barred. No striping or mottling on body, but consideration to be given to shading in older cats. Nose leather: seal or brick red. Paw pads: seal. Eye color: blue.

BLUE LYNX POINT: points light, silvery blue, ticked with darker blue tabby markings. Body color bluish white, cold in tone. Mask must be clearly lined with dark stripes vertical on forehead with classic "M" on forehead, horizontal on cheeks and dark spots on whisker pads clearly outlined in dark color edges. Inner ear light with thumbprint on outer ear. Markings dense, clearly defined and broad. Legs evenly barred with bracelets. Tail barred. No striping or mottling on body, but consideration to be given to shading in older cats. Nose leather: blue or brick red. Paw pads: blue. Eye color: blue.

TORTIE-LYNX POINT: points beige-brown with dark brown tabby markings and patches of red. Body color creamy white or pale fawn. Mask must be clearly lined with dark stripes vertical on forehead with classic "M" on forehead, horizontal on cheeks and dark spots on whisker pads clearly outlined in dark color edges. Inner ear light with thumbprint on outer ear. Markings dense, clearly defined and broad. Legs evenly barred with bracelets. Tail barred. Nose leather and paw pads: seal brown and/or flesh or coral pink. Eye color: blue.

BLUE-CREAM LYNX POINT: points blue with darker blue tabby markings and patches of cream. Body color bluish white, cold in tone. Mask must be clearly lined with dark stripes vertical on forehead with classic "M" on forehead, horizontal on cheeks and dark spots on whisker pads clearly outlined in dark color edges. Inner ear light with thumbprint on outer ear. Markings dense, clearly defined and broad. Legs evenly barred with bracelets. Tail barred. Nose leather and paw pads: slate blue and/or pink. Eye color: blue.

OACC (Other American Curl Colors): all accepted pointed colors with white. Any other color or pattern.

above the CFA Breed Standards

after automatic translate from


The birth of this singular race must to one genetic mutation happened in one gattina randagia, black, from the long hair, of Shulamith name. The orecchie of Shulamith in fact were goffered and when partor, two of its four micetti had its same orecchie, were not be a matter therefore of unanomalia but dellazione of a dominant gene. Beginnings therefore a program of very precise breeding, with the consequent birth of one new feline race l "American Curl", curl means in fact ricciolo. From Shulamith and the exemplary of this race give it its first cucciolata come down all, are those to long hair, like accredit to it to short hair. The first apparition of these new exemplary happened in 1983 and was an enormous one happening. Present to many exposures the standard of race stilarono in short time. In 1985 the race came recognized in California from the Tica, 10 years after from the Cfa, then from the Wcf. In the 1988 some exemplary of American Curl reached in France and the beginning of years 90 in Italy. From the Fiaf it came recognized in 1993, in the version is to semilong hair is to short hair.


Cat to semilong hair. Semilongineo, along and once average the height of the shoulder.

Ransom: average or medium-large (between 5 and 8 kg the male and between 3,5 and 5 kg the female).

Orecchie: the orecchie are large, wide to the base and bent to GO BACK TO LIST with the tips very rounded off; erected and placed well to the angles of the head, they are folded to GO BACK TO LIST regarding the snout and have some ciuffetti on sommit and the obvious and straight inner hairs.

The bending of the orecchie not never expectable, also when the parents have of the beautiful orecchie, defined in degrees:

the 1 type less appreciated poich the curving as soon as pointed out;

2 the ear decidedly devout ricurvo, approximately to 90;

3 appear the characteristic, call "to quarter of moon" cio to 180; the type of curving that comes devout appreciated in the feline exposures.

As soon as been born the puppys of the America Curl they have the bathed orecchie, soft and straight like those of whichever gattino of an other race. To times they are introduced withdrawn in ahead. In a day the cartilage drying up itself, is hardened: the auricular pavilion is stretched, it is straightened and finally "it is goffered". The varied curling of gattino to gattino.

After 2 months, the orecchie are straightened leggermente and to 4 months, the curling takes the shape definitive (but pu to happen also to the first month). To establish the qualit of a cucciolo difficult, in how much the orecchie employ a p of time before assuming the definitive position. If the the 3 orecchie are bent to degree, the firm micio from esposizione;invece if to the 1 degree, perfect for the reproduction but pu not participating itself to the exposures.

Eyes: of medium largeness, to walnut shape and leggermente it tilts to you. The color does not have some relation with that one of the cape, to exception of the pointed that it has the blue eyes.

Nose: straight and sweet curve forms one agreeing again to the sommit of the skull.

Head: of medium largeness, it has the shape of a wedge devout along that wide.

Legs: of solid musculature, with round feet and proporziona you regarding the rest of the body.

Tail: rather wide to the base, it is lost weight until to the tip and long how much the body.

Average life: 15 years

Cape: Its semilong and soft and rather adherent fur to the body, because of devout the limited development of the inner layer of sottopelo, present but little folto.

It exists also the variet to short hair (devout raro), nearly without sottopelo and with the thick, shining fur devout and polishes.

Color: large variet of colors



Like its progenitori, the curl he has a predilezione for the great spaces. To take a walk in a garden renders it happy but adapted also to the apartment life. To of l of the docilit and the great fondness that demonstrates towards 1' man, like of the rest all the cats been born in house or breeding, curl e' a cat much sociable one with its similar understandings like curl. One very becomes attached the master with which he has of the incredible gestures of effusion, struscia against its mento and he is loved to be on its shoulders. The devout ones are behaved like if they wanted to reciprocate of the favors. They do not scorn to be taken in arm and coccolati, and seems appreciate the company of the children. It has a strong, possessivo character and loves to be to the center of the attention, but also docile and most affectionate. Vivacit and the curiosit they push it to being a p monello, completing troubles and dispetti e,a times, quite pilferages. All the marachelle ago always with extreme joy and all come to it pardoned thanks to its great sympathy and the sincere love and attachment that it has in the comparisons of the master. The America Curl, succeeds in also to alone open the doors pressing on the handles, runs to the door when it recognizes the steps of the master; moreover able to open the shops of the closets in order then to go to sleep within to the drawers, it knows to complete "excursions" in the refrigerator, and of I do not shave arrives to bucherellare the dry food confection in order then to use just piacimento. E' also much brave one and does not hesitate to jump from one window in order to catch up the garden. Perhaps they conserve a joyful character also in advanced ET, perch do not become never completely adult. E' a cat indicated for who has much time to pass with the animal: in fact it suffers the solitudine, it has need of affection and being encircled from the family persons. Pu however, also to be left solo from the master during the day on condition that, to the return to house, wide it is coccolato.


To the inside of the auricular pavilion the curl dark, but sterile secretion, much devout abundant one of that one of the normal cat have one, and serve in order protect the delicate parts much. Once to the week necessary to supply to theirs pulizia using the maximum delicacy, using a cotton flock imbevuto with I affixed produced to you or with lukewarm water.It does not have need of being brushed or being combed of frequent, or two times the week are sufficient in order to always hold to place its cape, with a po' devout of attention during the period of dumb.


Being of sturdy ransom, powerful and muscoloso although it is not much assets, has always good appetite; varied diet loves one and it is not made to pray in order to eat. The feeding made up of dry or humid manifactured food senz' other the devout ones advised perch guarantees a complete and perfectly balanced contribution of elements nourished to you. If manifactured food gi for cats is not used, pu to adopt an feeding made up of meat, with fresh frattaglie, rice and verdure, if appreciate, alternating with fresh fish or tonno to the natural one, lean type annealed, goat cheeses, mozzarella and every a lot of the egg yolk of egg that ago much good to the hair. In whichever case, the important to vary the diet. When the cat becomes old a lot important to avoid to feed it with eats to me proteici and rich of fat person too much. Much best to accustom it to the mangime dietetic for old cats, is in crocchette that humid.


It catches up the maturit sexual to two years and the gatte ones reveal optimal mothers with the born small. Advisable E' to at least wait for the second or third heat (after 10-12 months) before making to couple it. The female goes made to couple within the twentieth day from the beginning of the heat. The females of the American Curl give birth after 63 days of pregnancy. Generally after the delivery the gatta one does not have particular problems. To every delivery they are born from 2 to 3 puppys (until a maximum of 5), with one clean predominanza of males.

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