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Scottish Fold and Highland Fold

scottish highland fold


The first cat fold (from "folded" English) of which sure Susie traces are had, a female white woman, been born in Scozia in 1961, but probably the true origins of the race is from searching itself in Manchuria. Of fact, as often it succeeds when it is spoken about mutations, the event would be passed of all the unnoticed one if the Ross spouses, that they lived in a near small farm, were not themselves get passionate you to this singular gattina and if of it two years had not acquired one daughter after. This was coupled with of the british shorthair and in the 1966 the Ross recorded their cats like scottish fold. It was tried that the folded orecchie were due to a dominant gene (were enough therefore that was present in one of the parents perch only could be transmitted to the sons). In 1974 the race be recognized. From the 1987 recognized state the Highland fold (or fold to long hair). The characteristics demanded from the standard are of all the identical ones to the scottish fold to short hair, made exception obviously for the fur, that it must be semilong and of soft webbing.


No breeding to signal
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Only when the cucciolo it catches up the 4 weeks of life possible to establish if also from adult avr the refolded orecchie.

RANSOM: medium-large

ORECCHIE: small and folded in ahead, supporters with the testa;devono to give the impression of rotondit to the skull.

Eyes: large, rotondi;ben it distances to you, it opens wide to you and with sweet expression.

Body: with medium skeleton and sturdy musculature

Legs: proporzionate and of medium skeleton; round feet

TAIL: of medium length, flexible.

CAPE: short and denso;di elastic resistance. It exists also to semilong hair and it has the cape with soft webbing.

Color: the standard admits many colors (white man, gray, beige, rossiccio). The cape pu streaked being or to introduce shadows

Average life: 13-15 years


The Scottish Fold or Highland Fold a calm cat, becomes attached to its landladies, that it stretches to follow ovunque. E' an affectionate cat, than not d problems in house. Onlooker, plays with the small objects and hides all us that he attracts it. E' adapted to the apartment life. If pu, however, a skillful hunter of rats exits gladly and. Sopporta well the low temperatures. It has need of company and a giocherellone:va only left the little possibile.Si adapted to all the sistemazioni, even if prefers to close sleep the master


During dumb the its cape it goes brushed every day and the dead hairs removed with attention. To control and to clean up the auricular pavilion and the folds of the orecchie. The operation of pulizia of the orecchie must be made with much delicacy and one sure costanza. The cerumen stretches to accumulate between the folds and the main enemy of these cats. If it does not come removed with a pulizia frequent, risks to penetrate itself in the refolded pavilion, giving problems of infections and lowering of hearing, even if draft of a phenomenon contained enough.


Pu to be fed with foods humid buckets and.


The female goes in heat to 9-10 months. The male to a year. To attend until according to heat before making to couple the female. The hard gestation 62 days. The cucciolate ones are composed from 3-6 puppys. Until 3 months the puppys they love the contact with gatta mother, then they are opened with disponibilit and confidence to the human friendship.

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