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Some sources support that in 1919, the French To. Pavie and lInglese G. Russell had the opportunit to help the monaci kittahs in a difficult surf; these last ones in sign of infinite riconoscenza sended to it from the Birmania in France two of the most precious ones and rarest cats from same they raise in the sacred convents and thought to you. One of these, the male, mor during along travel, while the female left from the tempio gi pregnant, partor to Nizza its cucciolata one.

Other sources support that f a known magnate of the finance American to acquire them in the 1920 from a its birmano servitore. Unaltra hypothesis, sure little devout perhaps reasonable fascinating but, thinks that these splendid felines are been born in France later on to aculate selections and crossings between the siamese and other cats to long and semilong hair. The birmano came renamed in years Fifty sacred of Birmania in order to distinguish it and to avoid whichever confusion with the burmese (Burma the name in English of the Birmania).
state officially recognized in France gi in 1925, therefore in 1966 in Great Britain and finally in 1967 in the United States.


Councils and cures  

Its cape does not need of particular cures perch setoso and has pocchissimo sottopelo for which difficultly the plushes will be formed (nodes); two brushed to the week are devout that sufficient to maintain it in order. If washed with regolarit succeeding itself to maintain the cape clean but sar above all possible not to make to yellow the gloves.

Just for the conformation of the snout, to difference of the Persian, the not sporgenti eyes difficultly introduce drain and secretions.


The sacred one of calm, serene, balanced and particularly affectionate Birmania pu to be defined a gattone.
It adores the company of its landladies or, in lack better, than an other cat or also of a dog. It is become attached alluomo in special way, it offers a precious company to the old persons or to who it passes much time in house; it loves to play and therefore adapted much good also to the children.

Not for null aggressive, it does not love litigi or risse and difficultly it extracts the claws. This does not mean for that it is a submitted type, indeed! It has one strongest and detached personalit, to the point that its habits have one priorit absolute regarding those of all the others members of the family!


No breeding to signal
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. Origini: France

RANSOM: medium-large  

General aspect: medium-large ransom with developed musculature powerful skeleton: the lengthened log a po'

Head: sturdy skeleton tondeggianti cheeks, nose with light depression on the dog and tip crushed towards the bottom.

ORECCHIE: medium small they finish with rounded off tips and are placed to sides of the cranial time.

Eyes: of shape ovaleggianti, distant, many expressing to you, always of blue color. In the subjects from exposure the intense blue much and uniform one.

TAIL: long how much the thick log and very supplied of hair

Legs: of medium length. supported from sturdy skeleton and musculature very developed

Toelettatura: easy, a pair of brushed weeklies magazine is enough to hold it in shape; in dumb they are advised combed devout you attend

Character: intelligent, affectionate, curious, educated; little noisy, colloquia with the master with the mimica.

Necessit:   a sticky one demands much affection from the master (been born). The puppys need to play directly with the persons for many hours to the day. A new one plays pu to make to vent it only momentarily but then the novit not devout interesting and demands newly to play with the master. The essential game for one corrected psycho-physical increase of the gattino birmano.

Hereditary anomalies: in passed the eyes they could leggermente be strabici without for svilire its beauty. The strabismus a defect legacy to the Himalaiano gene responsible of the particular distribution of the color on snout, orecchie, legs, tail and genita them. With the carried out rigorous selection from the breeders, in the recent devout generations, this defect be nearly eliminated.

Coloration: The Sacred one of Birmania has the coloration colour-point (= stung colored) that is the color is limited alone on: snout; orecchie; legs; tail; genita them. The rest of the body has minor saturation of the color (nearly white man) but always intonato with the points. Only the gloves (the estremit of legs) are candid white man. The points they can be of several colors answering to every personal taste.
Uniform colors:
The points (that is: snout; orecchie; legs; tail; genita them) they can introduce the following colors: seal-point, blue-point, chocolate-point, lilac-point, red-point, cream-point.
Colors to shell of turtle:
The colors sopradescritti can be introduced between miscelati they in accidental way creating an aspect devout intriguer and eclectic, in this case it is spoken about the colorations tortie-point (= to shells of turtle): Seal-tortie-point, blue-tortie-point, chocolate-tortie-point, lilac-tortie-point.
Tigrati colors:
All the colorations (are uniforms that to shell of turtle) can ulteriorly differ thanks to varying tabby (= tigrato). The aspect turns out devout wild and natural to give the impression to caress one beautifulst tiger in miniatura from the elegant and refined portamento like the Birmano cat.

Particular considerations: not ostinatevi in the search of a micio from the perfect guantatura: the wonderful, affectionate Birmano, you conquister with its sympathy.  


The colorations tortie: the typical coloration "to shells of turtle" prerogative of the females. For a pure genetic reason only the gatte ones can be tortie and can have puppys of several colors. The body has one tonalit much warmth of golden color thanks to the presence of the gene red.

The puppys babies: the puppys of the Birmano cat are born white men.They are colored during the increase, to a ET month the color is found alone on nasino and the tips of the orecchie. To three months the still whitest body, the mask not still complete and firm under the eyes. The definitive coloration is had to two years of ET of the cat.

The coloration of the colour-point: the colorful parts are only estremit of the body perch they are devout cold. Responsible the Himalaiano gene of this coloration fades the pigmentazione of the hair that finds in one warm zone of the body. Moreover, for the same reason, the Birmani cats that live in devout the cold countries have the dark mantle, while those that live in the rooms heated they have the mantle clearly devout.

For the contributions and photo ringrazia
Claudia Zaino, Albafeles Breeding
tel. 338-7566536