


Clavularia Viridis or Coral to carpet

Latin name
Clavularia Viridis
Common name
Coral to carpet
Polipo 3/3 cm. Colonies also 50 cm.
Values of the water
Temp. 24/27 Densit 1022/1024 PH 8,4

Colonial Antozoo small of the order of the Stoloniferi, coming from from the Red Mar, the coast of tropical Africa and from the Indian ocean.
Sessile, shape colonies from the aspect of folto a grassy carpet of one splendid color green shining.
Every single individual, forming the colony, along little devout of a pair of centimeters and equipped of one small crown of eight piumosi, greens, little urticanti tentacles.

The colony composed very many of these polipi, with the base dipped in the common mesoglea that it allows the communication between the cavit gastrovascolari of the single individuals; in such way from true somigliare to and just a Prato, berthed to the substrate, cliff or madrepora that it is.
In Aquarius it prefers to be arranged in one strongly water current, adapted to move the part to tentacolare of the individuals, in such way that remove the products of refusal secreti from the same ones; also necessary one zone with one optimal lighting system, best if obtained with linear fluorescent lamps with coloration of 10.000 K. or advanced or with lamps HQI.

In nature the colony finds the greater part of its sostenamento in the simbiosi with alghe the Zooxantelle present in the cenosarco; in Aquarius better to integrate such diet with of the sprayed ones of microplancton, frozen-dry or dept freeze, directly on the polipi of the colony.

Much resistant one, in how much in nature the C. Viridis colonizes zones exposed to the low tide also in vicinity of human takeovers, the C. Viridis tolerates the presence of nitrates and phosphates well, suffers, instead for the presence of alghe filamentous greens, that they could reach to suffocate the colony.

They are however advisable changes of the water with sifonatura of the bottom, the use of knows them of optimal qualit nonch regular oligoelement additions, bioelementi and solubilizzato Soccer.
For all these reasons and the fact that not an invertebrate subject to the limitations dictated from the C.I.T.E.S. it would have to be present also in the Aquarius of invertebrates of aacquariofilo principiante.


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