



Latin name
Radianthus Ritteri or Heteractis Crispa
Common name
Yellow sea anemone
Principle 40 cm. In Aquarius 10/15 cm.
Values of the water
Temp. 24/27 Densit 1022/1024 PH 8,4

Large Antozoo hermit, of the order of the Attiniari; enough colorful and decorative it comes from the Indian ocean and the Pacific ocean.
Sessile and completely lacking in a skeletal support, like the R. Malu, fixed on a support, which a cliff or a madrepora, or insabbia on the bottom by means of a situated adhesive disc to the base of the foot that of color a yellow pale tending to the rose or the verdino; the coloration much conditioning is from the lighting system, for via of alghe simbionti the Zooxantelle, is from the feeding.

In top to the foot the boccale opening of the same color of the foot, encircled from one is found crown of long and thin tentacles.
The tentacles, of color yellow, verdolino or ocher, finish with one aim conic section with at designed a point viola; they are covered from urticanti cells, said "cnidoblasti" and come uses you from the animal is like defense that for procurarsi the food.
Much sturdy one, for being an invertebrate, a lot adapted to the Aquarius of barrier in cohabitation with other invertebrates and fish of small largeness, preferibimente Amphiprion, with which it often establishes a relationship of simbiosi.

Not advisable, instead, to approach it to other invertebrates that could be ustionati from its urticanti cells or to bind together it to fish discs of a valve, like Hyppocampus, that they could come captured and it eats to you.
It prefers to arrange itself in a medium illuminated place and interested from a sure water current, if it does not appreciate the position in which be allotted, it is moved easy, muovendo the foot or, quite, swimming liberations.

Onnivoro, nutre of all us that it arrives to capacity of its urticanti tentacles: it is mangime dry is dept freeze: artemie or chironomus; if much large this anemone pu to be nourished also with pezzeti of fish or polpa of cozza.

Antozoo sturdy and easy to acclimatize itself, does not have particular requirements, regarding the other invertebrates, as far as the chemical and physical values of the water that must be filtered and be only very aereata.
They are however always advisable partial changes with sifonatura of the bottom and regular oligoelement additions and bioelementi.
For all these reasons would not have to never lack in the Aquarius of invertebrates of the principiante.


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