



Scientific name: Pytilia melba
English name: Green-winged Pytilia

E' devout common and easy the found pytilia of the sort present representative in the Italian breedings. Unfortunately the tried ones to you of breeding not always they go to good aim and this reason with to its delicacy discourages many perseverare in its breeding.


Cabinda, the Congo, Zaire and Malawi, part south orient them of the Tanzania, Namibia and Transvaal and South Africa.
Various subspecies exist of which the devout ones imported in Italy the P.M. Beautiful (characterized from the orange-colored chest) that distributed in the sudest of the Sudan, in the western Uganda, the Zaire It orients them, in the part western south of the Kenya, in the Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Malawi.
E' a bird widely diffused in all wraps it barren of Africa under the 1500 mt of height where very avvistabile while it is fed in the open savana.


E' a long bird around to i 12-13 cm. The livery of the adult male unmistakable Spout, forehead, redini, cheeks mento, throat and intense red tail, nape and sides of the neck clear gray, wings greens and chest white man crossed from dark devout crossing. "the Beautiful" subspecies introduces the advanced part of the yellow chest orange. Still devout spectacular the Citerior subspecies, that it introduces red delle cheeks extended beyond the ocular zone and the chest of a splendid golden yellow, but that it never does not come imported in Italy. The female similar to the male but does not have the red one makes them, the crossing of the chest is less clear and in the complex all the colors are devout smorti.
The young people are much similar to the females but they do not have crossing on the chest and they introduce of one uniform ink verdastra.


As soon as imported it needs of warmth and cures in rather delicate how much but, once acclimatized it turns out peasant rather and very adapted to the life in cage. E' uccellino a much forastico that for, if very attended to, is tamed very quickly arriving to riprodursi also in cages from broods shielded. It needs of one seed mixture of type To, verdura. Mangime the alive essential thing in order to maintain it in good health.


In this bird a phenomenon is introduced that moreover present even if in smaller measure in the others astrildidi. The capture males do not show particular aggressivit in the own comparisons of the similar ones and the companions of imprisonment. They can be couples you to one female stranger without some disadvantage. The males been born in cattivit, instead show enunciating aggressivit are towards the other males of the own species that towards the females the male, in fact, catches up the shape very fastly loving and if not reciprocated from the female the maltratta one until provoking of the dead women. In the malaugurata evenienza that this last one dies it absolutely must avoid to insert one new female in the cage of the male. The male, extremely territorial, could chase it and kill it in little minuteren. It is necessary to put the female to visual contact of the male, but separated from one grill for some devout week and however until that this last not monster signs of calm nervousness and pauses in the vicinities of the female.
Once puttinges to direct contact it is necessary however to observe with discretion the behavior of the male for ridividere the lessened brace I point out of aggressivit of the male.


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A brace very lodged to reproduce itself enough ready Prefers the baskets of wickers sluices, but in lack of other adapted to construct just to the nest to the inside of cassettes nest open seeds; if present shrubs in the high part of the cage to directly construct characteristic the globular nest of the species berthing it to coppers. The male in love emits much beautiful one and flautato a song continuously holding in the spout a pagliuzza ready to chase the first female that approaches itself in order to try to couple itself.
The brooded one comprises of usual 3-4 eggs white women who the female broods for approximately 12 days. To schiusa the parents they need of one large quantit of prede lives in order to raise the small. In absence case to eat alive the female he expels the small outside from the nest. It convene, perci, to entrust eggs to a reliable brace of hen-sparrows of Japan preventively accustomed to feed itself of a pastoncino highly proteico.
Like for the small of the sort Uraeginthus, the Melba small they have a characteristic way to ask the food without to raise the head laterally, but swinging it so as to to put in extension the fluorescent papillae violacee presents to sides of the mouth, for which only little braces of hen-sparrows of Japan they are in a position to nourishing them the first days since.
E' necessary therefore to select these braces of sparrows and to of the sort reserve them exclusively to the breeding of the small of the members pytilia.
The small exit from the nest around to the 18 days of life and are independent after at least others three weeks.

we thank the breeding agate in order to have to us supplied this card