



Padda oryzivora

the beautifulst subjects of the photos are all of tila79


Padda one of the birds that better adapt all.breeders in cattivit much resistant one, loves a lot to bathe itself, raises the own small well and little demanding. The first inherent news this species, than currently enjoys great favor between the ornicoltori, goes back al1790. . . . .

These birds are of enough pacific nature, however not advisable to lodge them in cage in company of small exotic birds. If the exemplary acquire to you they are of recent import are demonstrated rather selvati to us and rather scares you for a period along.

In the riproduttivo period the padda generally 18 cm with the opened front wall for met In voliera pu constructing a great round nest rather badly realized in means to the ramaglie hung to one wall or on a bush use one cassette-nest of 15 X 15 X. Which material from construction puttinges to disposition go fresh grass, straw, hay, rametti of salice, fibers of sisal and walnut of coconut, etc. The padda it uses whichever material comes to it supplied. The female places gives


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the 4 to 8 small eggs and chicks are born after 13 0 14 days of incubation.

The young people abandon the nest to approximately four weeks of ET and come nourished from the parents for others two settimane.Questa species go fed with seeds of mile, scagliola, oats decorticated and in the season adapted unripe ears of frumento (making attention that they have not been dealt with pesticidi). The seeds go somministrati are buckets are germinate to you; daily it goes put to disposition of these birds of the verdura and every so often of the animal food all.uovo. During the breeding of the small it goes increased the dose of quest.ultimo and go added to the diet also ant eggs and tarme of the flour As soon as caught up the self-sufficiency the small they go separates to you from the parents, than otherwise they could begin to perseguitarli. In optimal conditions of breeding the young birds acquire the definitive Coloration to 2 or 3 months of ET the padda original dell.lndonesia, where it lives from Sumatra, through Giava, until to the Molucche. This species be introduced dall.uomo to Zanzibar and sull.isola of Sant Elena.

Exemplary you escape yourself from the cattivit have given origin to populations rinselvatichite in East Africa them, in south-western Asia, Japan and nell.arcipelago of the Hawaii. In the own zone of origin the padda it lives in the steppiche regions and the cultivated zones where to outside of the riproduttiva season above all it provokes several damages to the rice cultivations.