


(Coban Köpegi)


the dog of the photos Arslan di Chiara Solcia


FCI-Standard N° 331 /   06. 06. 1989/ GB

ORIGIN : Anatolia.



UTILIZATION : Active breed originally used as a guard dog for sheep; hard working; capable of enduring extremes of heat and cold.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :   Group   2      Pinscher and Schnauzer -Molossoid breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds.
                                               Section 2.2   Molossoid breeds, Mountain type.
                                               Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SURVEY : The Anatolian Shepherd is a shepherd’s guard dog of ancient lineage, probably descended from the large hunting dogs existing in Mesopotamia.  The breed has evolved over the ages to suit a specific set of circumstances.  Of these the most formative are the climate – hot and very dry summers, very cold winters – the peoples’life-style- settled, semi- and wholly nomade – and the work assigned to the dogs.  They guard flocks travelling great distances on the Central Anatolian Plateau.  They stay out whatever the weather may be.

GENERAL APPERANCE : Large, upstanding, tall, powerfully built, livestock guarding dog with broad, strong head and dense double coat.  Must have size and stamina.  Capable of great speed.

IMPORTANT PROPORTION : Foreface slightly shorter than skull.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Steady and bold without aggression, naturally independent, very intelligent and tractable.  Proud and confident.  Loyal and affectionate to owners, but weary of strangers when mature.


Skull : Large, but in proportion to body, broad between ears, slightly domed.  Mature males have broader head than females.
Stop : Slight.

Nose : Black, except in livers, where it is brown.
Muzzle : Seen from above almost rectangular.  Profile blunt, tapering very slightly to end.
Lips : Very slightly pendulous, black-edged.  Edge of upper lip not lower than the profile of the underjaw.  Tight lip-corners.                    
Jaws/Teeth : Teeth strong, with a perfect scissor bite, i.e the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaw.  Complete dentition.
Eyes : Rather small in proportion to size of skull, set well apart, deep set, showing no haw.  Golden to brown in colour according to coat colour.  Eye rims black except in livers.
Ears : Medium sized, triangular in shape, rounded at tip, pendant with front edge close to cheek, higher when alert.

NECK : Slightly arched, powerful, muscular, moderate in length, rather thick.  Slight dewlap.


No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts:

BODY : Powerful, well muscled, never flat.
Topline : Horizontal, slightly arched over loins.
Back : Rather short in proportion to leg length.
Chest : Deep to point of elbow; ribs well sprung, ribcage, sufficiently long.
Underline : With the belly well tucked up.
TAIL : Long, reaching to hock, set on rather high, when relaxed carried low with slight curl; when alert carried high and curled over back, especially by males.


FOREQUARTERS : Set well apart straight and well boned; of good length.
Shoulders : Well muscled, oblique.
Elbows : Close to sides, free moving.
Pasterns : Strong, slightly sloping when viewed from side.

HINDQUARTERS : Powerful, not overloaded with muscles.  Hindlegs vertical when seen from rear.
Thigh : Long.
Stifle : Good turn of stifle.

FEET : Strong, with thick pads and well arched toes.  Nails short.

GAIT / MOVEMENT  :  Very noticeable level line of body, head and neck when walking, movement even, supple and long reaching, giving impression of stalking, with great power.  Pacing acceptable at slow speed.  Mincing or hackney action highly undesirable.


HAIR : Short or half-long, dense, with thick undercoat.  Great variations in length according to climate.  Longer and thicker at neck, shoulders and thighs.  The coat tends to be longer in winter.

COLOUR  All colours acceptable.

Height at withers : Dogs :        74-81 cm.
                            Bitches :    71-79 cm.
Weight : Mature dogs : 50-65 kg.
              Bitches :         40-55 kg.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.


  • Low to ground, heavy and slow, too massive; too light in build, whippety.
  • Flat skull.
  • Hackney action, mincing gait, stiffness.
  • Coat too long and hanging.


  • Aggresive or overly shy.
  • Muzzle too short (one third of the total length of head).
  • Overshot, undershot.
  • Coat : very short and smooth, devoid of undercoat.
  • Incapable of guarding livestock.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

automatic translate from

ORIGIN: Turkey

E' an ancient original dog of the Asia Minor, that it comes also recognized as dog from Turkish guard was used like dog from war from big game hunting and combat.
The race be only known after its introduction in the United States happened in 1968

Of ransom much large one with a height comprised between 92 and i 98 cm in i males and a 66-92 in the females and weight that pu to oscillate from the 45 to the 68 kg in the males and from the 41 to the 59 kg in the females, physically to part the hair somiglia a lot to the shepherdesses maremmano and the kuvasz but less heavy and devout agile.
The hair, straight hard and folto.
The colors are: white man or color chamois often with dark black or however devout orecchie and snout.

It still comes used like guardiano of the flock and the propriet.


And a dog much intelligent one and attacked to the propriet and the person, much mistrustful one with the strangers but equally docile with the house children, when new hosts have themselves must "introduce them to it" and hold it under control.

Sturdy and resistant E' to the inclemencies, but in the subject ones too much badly selects to you can be had of the problems of dysplasia to the hip.

It eats practically of all
Pu living to the open on condition that it has a shelter (cuccia).
It goes at least once brushed every two weeks, unless in the periods of the dumb one when the brushed ones must be much devout frequent.