


Other animals 6



Copy one of the HTML situated tails below to post the comment image on your or on other member' s comment section. Even though it says it' s for MySpace, you may use these on any personal blog.
That includes , hi5, Friendster, Xanga, Piczo, Orkut, TagWorld, Tagged, or any of the others you participate on.

To use one of the myspace comment images simply copy (Ctrl+C) the HTML below the image, pastes it (Ctrl+V) into your myspace profile or/and comments area. Enjoy!

an1.gif (51302 byte)

an35.gif (27051 byte)

an58.gif (62148 byte)

an8.gif (12272 byte)

an69.gif (34417 byte)

an25.gif (16402 byte)

an9.gif (11118 byte)

an60.gif (42491 byte)

an61.gif (55711 byte)

an118.gif (6329 byte)
an102.gif (7095 byte)
an114.gif (8546 byte)
an6.gif (18700 byte)
an116.gif (7840 byte)
an124.gif (6060 byte)
an122.gif (5844 byte)
an31.gif (9204 byte)
an20.gif (8513 byte)
an70.gif (48710 byte)
an43.gif (5860 byte)
an67.gif (8872 byte)
an74.gif (13272 byte)
an54.gif (12798 byte)
an56.gif (12112 byte)
an48.gif (5093 byte)
an68.gif (5064 byte)

If you should recognize an image of your property done not hesitate to contact dismiss us it.

If you had to recognize an image of your hesitated property not to contact to us in order to remove it.