


Dogs and cats import to you and sold without controls

The lacked performance the d.lgs. 633/96 and of the communitarian directives in matter of transport of animals daffezione


The risks that are run if it is chosen to buy a cucciolo of race do not have attractive names: cimurro, infectious gastroenteritis, but also parossito internal, dermomicosi and rogna.

Dangerous diseases for the dog and, in some cases, also for its owner.

To buy a cucciolo choosing it from the display window of a specialistic store today does not offer in Italy some guarantee. N that the cucciolo survives, n that the master is not contagiato.

These possible perch dogs come import to you from the countries dellEst European without some control, n successive estimate n, and perch it does not exist some obligation from part of the vendor to guarantee the good dellanimale health less and much than to identify of the origin.

for having account of questanomalia that yesterday Ettore Bucciero (group National Alliance to the Senate) has introduced the minister of the health Girolamo Sirchia, and to that one for the regional transactions Enrico the Loggia, uninterrogazione parliamentarian.

A law exists picture, the 281/91 in randagismo topic, a law advanced and competitive in international within, but that to ten years from its application it has still not given the fruits hope to you. A good law, but that it does not work. It mainly does not work perch the regional laws of performance, that they would be due to be emanated to six months dallentrata in vigor of the 281, have arrived in a advanced time 10 times or they have not arrived at all. Cos, still does not exist integrated canine unanagrafe. And this the first problem.

The second, but not in order of importance, the lacked performance unaltra law: decree legislative 633 of the 96 in topic of transport of alive animals. The regional laws of performance, laddove exist, or they do not turn out coherent with the main norm and of fact, they do not impose some obligation to the vendors, or come punctually violate for lesiguit of the previewed endorsements and for the scarsit of the controls it carries out to you.

For these reasons, senator Bucciero appeals to the minister the Loggia, chiedendogli to supply to a greater coordination between the several regional laws and the minister Sirchia, in order to obtain:

  • that it is proceeded to the obligatory marcatura electronic of the dogs by means of subcutaneous inoculazione, in order to facilitate the controls;
  • that the traders record cargo and drainage of the animals from affection and of it guarantee the health, subjecting them to visits, cures and vaccinazioni, for their same well-being (with effettuabili controls from the body of Zoofile Guards dellEnpa);
  • that the controls of the animals in entrance to the communitarian frontiers are intensified;
  • that he discusses himself dellopportunit to institute public-private mixed foundations, promoted from the agencies and the associations interested to the matter and aimed at the realization of the finalit of law 281/91.



In order to speed up an answer from the institutions, we ask to offer You to us your contribution.

sufficient to copy and glue the text of the letter that follows (or to write of one in one's own handwriting) and to send it to the following addresses:


Ministry of the Health, prof. Girolamo Sirchia:

Undersecretary to the Health, sen. Cesar Cursi:

Ministry regional Transactions, sen. Enrico The Loggia:

Undersecretary to the regional transactions, on. Alberto Gagliardi:


And for information to:


If you want to write to the Sen. _ Bucciero in order ringraziar it of the engagement profuse in this initiative and invite it to continue in the road undertake to protection of the animal can address the yours mail to .


Text to send to the Ministers:


Allattenzione of

Minister of the Health, prof. Girolamo Sirchia

Undersecretary to the Health, sen. Cesar Cursi

Minister regional Transactions, sen. Enrico The Loggia

Undersecretary to the regional transactions, on. Alberto Gagliardi



Kind ministers and undersecretaries,

I ask you to take part with respect to the lacked application decree legislative on the transport of 633/96 animals daffezione, in order to avoid that limportazione continues and the sale of dogs and sick cats, in particular from the countries dellEst European towards Italy. This custom, as it has observed senator Ettore Bucciero introduced nellinterrogazione n.3-00402 in date 10 you open them, creates conditions of lacked protection the animal well-being and serious associate-economic and sanitary damages to the purchasers.

Sure that you will give followed to the demands for the Senator, than the Loggia addresses to the minister asking to supply to a greater coordination between the several implementing regional laws of the d. lgs. 633/96 and to the minister Sirchia, in order to obtain:

  • that it is proceeded to the obligatory marcatura electronic of the dogs by means of subcutaneous inoculazione, in order to facilitate the controls;
  • that the traders record cargo and drainage of the animals from affection and of it guarantee the health, subjecting them to visits, cures and vaccinazioni, for their same well-being (with effettuabili controls from the body of Guards Zoofile dellEnpa)
  • that the controls of the animals in entrance to the communitarian frontiers are intensified,
  • that he discusses himself dellopportunit to institute public-private mixed foundations, promoted from the agencies and the associations interested to the matter and aimed at the realization of the finalit of law 281/91;


We augur you good job,


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