


paleomedusa.JPG (41187 byte)

Pertaining to the family of Pelomedusidae: sottordine Pleurodira, this specIe and diffused In all Africa, to south of the desert of the Sahara and also in various areali of the Madagascar. The variabilit geographic remarkable but although they have been some described to two sun subspecies to us, do not give to all the recognized students. The varied ransom second the areale of origin, between 15 and i 30 cm for the exemplary adultl. The testuggini devout large they are of norm those diffuse ones in the southern regions of the continent African and in the Madagascar.


The species, sturdy and of easy reperibile breeding with discreet frequency on the market. It goes allevata in terracquari, in which the space between water and dry zone fairly is divided. Semiaquatic Pu in fact to be considered for the long hours passed to the dry ground, even if lessened signal of danger is sheltered in the water. It attends above all river basins with melmosa water in any case firm and, dov' devout preferibilmente easy to hunt thanks to insufficient visibilit nutre of aquatic animals us: the adults above all of crustaceans, fish and amphibians beyond that of molluschi; the young people with every type of small prede but above all of aquatic bugs us and larve. in particular great divoratrice of larve of mosquito, for which the man of it it appreciate the vicinity. In cattivit risen every animal food chip ax of origin beyond to it eats me of industrial production adapted to the testuggini and the large fish.


As far as the breeding and held account that draft of a species African, is necessary to guarantee a discreet temperature of the terracquario (also 30 and devout ones being had cure to make s that the thermal excursion night-day is at least 6-8). The species in nature is not winter but summery in the days of the solleone. In cattivit of active usual all the year.


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It is reproduced above all in every season but in spring-summer: it places several eggs (14-42) that schiudono after three months approximately.