



ORIGIN: Scozia of the North (Islands Shetland and Orcadi)
Height: From 90 cm to 1 meter. The devout known subject small measure 65 cm.
CAPE: It is found sauro, sauro burnt, bay generally, morello and gray. But also pezzato and sorcino.
Character: E' a horse much brave, easy one to train, also perch has one extraordinary capacit of adaptation. Moreover it has a sure foot that it allows it to face also difficult lands. To times stubborn and svogliato, but also giocherellone and amusing.
Physicist: Small head has one, from the concave profile, with eyes great and small orecchie. The short and sturdy back, with one large capacit thoracic. The limbs are sturdy and short, with solid feet, small and round. The criniera and the tail are folte. The winter hair often, while that summery thin one. The sailing points are frank, sure and to read. Although its small ransom comes considered a sturdy horse much and strong one, indeed devout the sturdy one, also perch it succeeds to pull two times its weight, cio the double quantity of true and own the horses from shooting.


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The Shetland a horse the many ancient and first traces of he found in the Shetland islands go back to the 500 a.C., make to think that gi from then it was a domestic animal. It would seem that from then the race it has not endured changes, if exception for those crossings happened with the pony is made morello of Norway, than today scomparso. The Shetland one extremely resistant and adaptable race and svilupp in one barren and cold earth, without trees and with little possibilit to repair itself. The aborigines used it for various duties and then in XIX the century widely England of the North was employed in the mines in all. The force of this small leggendaria little horse and is narrated that in a 1820 pony of 90 cm trasport one man of 85 kilograms for one distance very 65 kilometers in one single day. Made an impression from much power, resistance and caparbiet, in the 1701 reverend John Brand it said: "Ce is some that a man could carry in arm but that nevertheless they would be in a position to transporting it with to the moglie for one score of kilometers". The theories on its origin are controversial. Before it supports that pony the reductions from the tundra during it were glacial, crossing the ghiacciato sea of Norway before that the ice fields were withdrawn from the British islands. Later on, the takeover to insulare and the crossings with the consanguinei provoked the reduction of the ransom of these animals, than originally they measured to garrese 1,35 m. The second theory based, instead, on discovered rupestri paintings in the coves of Dordogne and Altamira, on which would acknowledge pony the Shetland. Therefore one of the first immigrations in Great Britain would be believed that the first equine ones introduced dall0uomo in the British islands are, perch was that one of the original people of Biscaglia. The Shetland dwarf of the Exmoor would be cos one variet. This second theory that one that comes mainly accepted, in how much seems devout reasonable to think that the race has endured a reduction of the ransom passing from the climatic conditions moderated of the south to those hard of the Shetland islands, than not coming from the tundra glacial.

This card be sended to us from Alfeo R.