


Family: Loricaridi

Origin: South America

Amazonian Loricaride, diffused in acquariofilia for its dowries of mangiatore of alghe.

Typical fish from bottom, catches up considerable dimensions if it has the possibilit to move in wide spaces.

It adores to remain hidden in shelters you form from log and not limestone stones to you that must be present in great nellacquario number that accommodates it.

They are rather calm fish and they do not disturb the other hosts dellacquario, eccezion made for the Discus, from which, to times irresistibilmente they are attracted.

The Lacqua well that it is maintained on neutral values, with temperature of 24/26 and always cleanest.

Nutrano Bench essentially of alghe, that present nellacquario to times does not succeed to satisfy their requirements, the diet must therefore be integrated with appropriate tablets from bottom made up of seaweed spirulina.

They appreciate also the spinaci sbollentati and frullati.


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