




The Race/Characteristic  

The Rendena a bovine race particularly adapted to the alpeggio, test of that still today nearly totalit of the vacche raised in Trentino, and devout of 50% of those raised in Veneto, respective pass the four summery months on mountain barns of the Val Rendena and the Plateau of Asiago. This situation justified from the elevated adaptation of the race to the pasture, between the confirmed other from numerous searches of university institutes, than particularly renders it appreciated in these last times from numerous alpine and Appennine various breeders of province, also in the light of the greater productive specialization for the production of latte of the bovine of the breeds to greater dimensions that their corrected management in alpeggio renders always devout difficult, in particular from part of those breeders who have to disposition the poor devout pastures as far as the foraggiera production.

Of this fact the National Association holds account Bovine Breeders of Rendena Race in the formulation of the selective programs, that latte and meat have like primary objective the improvement of the twofold attitude of the race (), maintaining for unchanged those positive vital characteristics that render it particularly adapted for the exploitation of the pastures, also of those devout difficult ones to the elevated devout altitudes.

This large one adattabilit to the alpeggio does not compromise however optimal productions of the vacche of the race in the plain companies of the Veneto, as they testify the medium productions between the 55 and 60 q of the conduct companies with devout the modern criteria of feeding, accompanied from the production of year-old calves of greater value regarding those of the breeds from latte.


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The standard of race

The Rendena a native race to twofold attitude, meat and latte, with greater propensioni towards this second production and this the factor that mainly characterizes also its morphologic aspect.
Characteristic the smooth and uniform cape with several gradazioni of brown color, devout dark in the males where pu to be nearly black. Peculiar of the race they are also the hairs color ivory allinterno of the auricular pavilions, the clear strip devout lumbar back, the corna to read, black white women to the base and in tip, and clear lorlatura of the fusello of color slate. The giogaia rather developed in the Taurus, less obvious in the females. The limbs and lossatura in kind are sturdy but not rough.

Patrimonial consistency:

The Race currently mainly diffused in the province of Padova, Trento, Vicenza and Verona. Subjects of Rendena Race are raise to you and subordinates to control work them also in breedings of the province of Varese, La Spezia, Treviso, Brescia, Belluno and Pavia.

The bovine enrolled to the controls work represent them 70% of the patrimony total of the Race.

Productive characteristics

The Rendena race to twofold attitude, latte and meat.

Production of latte:

The medium production grazes the 48 q; this a extremely positive data poich such obtained production with minimums contributions of mangime concentrated, also in difficult and marginal zones, and with 70% of the vacche that still alpeggiano for 100 and devout days in the summery period, In the plain companies, characterized from business adapting management, the business production exceeds however the 60 q of latte with good percentages of fat person and proteins.

For the witnesses and the images of this card we thank:
The A.N.A.RE. National association Bovine Breeders of Rendena Race