in order to demand a species that is not gi between those dealt you write to ( )

type: Vertebrati
class: Mammals
sottoclasse: Placentati
order: Artiodactyls
sottordine: Ruminanti
family: Bovidi
sottofamiglia: cavicorni

Bos taurus ,
Several dimensions to second of the race   Original geographic distribution of the Old World

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It is not known with emergency when the man begins to tame the ox: probably approximately 6000 years ago. sure the presence of the ox near many civilt ancient like the Chinese, the Egyptian and the Roman. It was considered sacred from many people and still in India. probable that drifts from uro (the Bos primigenius), considered the progenitore of ours breeds. L ' uro it lived in all Europe, Asia and North Africa, but it came exterminated from the too much harmful man perch for agriculture. L ' last copy of this species Moors in 1927 in Polonia at the hands of bracconiere. From the first bovines it tames, anch' they equips you to you of corna is in the male is in the female, have been obtained numerous breeds, selected for the production of latte or meat and also in order to obtain animals from shooting. ln Italy goes remembered: the Frisona, Tawny the Alpine one, the Inhabitant of Romagna and the Piemontese. The hard gestation duecentottanta days and after the delivery one vacca selected in a position to producing to every day some tens of latte liters of. This animal has the stomach divided in four rooms: the food arrives in before (rumen), where endures one transformation to work of the present bacteria; then reticulum passes in the second room (), where it comes rolled into a ball in small spheres and envoy to the mouth for one new mastication. Finally the food comes then sended to the third room (omaso) and to the quarter (abomaso) that it decomposes it definitively. Numerous diseases can hit the vacca: as an example the tuberculosis that pu to come transmitted to the man with the latte ones.